
Best Depression

Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things
Furiously Happy is about depression and mental illness, but deep down it's about joy―and who doesn't want a bit more of that? Praise for Jenny Lawson:
"For once a book about living with mental illness from one who suffers with it."
"A brave, talented woman lets us in to the mind of an intelligent, lovable person trapped in a world with quirky rules about what to spend her energy on that seem to wear her out while at the same time causing much amusement."
"Jenny Lawson is a treasure for all of mankind."
"If you live with anxiety and depression you understand they are flip sides of the same coin."
"Really good for anyone who struggles with mental illness or any kind of chronic condition, actually."
"Whether we're struggling with mental illness or we feel insecure about ourselves in one way or another, there's comfort in knowing there are others who completely relate."
"I went through and read some of the negative reviews on this book. She is so honest and upfront about her mental illness that it's refreshing."
"Great book for highly functional people suffering from depression, anxiety, bipolar (and all their glorious comorbidities)."
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The Feeling Good Handbook
With everything you need to know about commonly prescribed psychiatric drugs and anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, this remarkable guide can show you how to feel good about yourself and the people you care about. Anthony Bates, Clinical Psychologist, Presbyterian Medical Center, Philadelphia “Clear, systematic, forceful.” —Albert Ellis, PhD, President, Albert Ellis Institute. Dr. Burns represents dozens of helpful exercises in his inimitable, lively, and self-revealing style." —Jackie Persons, Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of California at San Francisco, and Director, San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy. He has provided us with clearly described and practical guidelines for dealing with fears, anxieties, panic attacks, procrastination, and communication problems .
"The explanations are very clear and the sequence of self-help activities (cognitive behavior therapy) is very easy to understand. aThe book describes 10 cognitive distortions that make us unhappy. Think about this: you can read a stack of books about tennis but until you get on the court you'll never be able to play."
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy actually makes sense, common sense."
"I continue to re-read this book."
"If you want the key to being happy, this is the book to read."
"Good cognitive therapy instruction for the lay person."
"Gave to friend as I am reading the 1999 edition."
"It's big, but easily digestible."
"Great book with some good exercises."
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River of Time: My Descent into Depression and How I Emerged with Hope
Struggling through a childhood of harsh family secrets, the death of a young sibling, and absent emotional support, Naomi found herself reluctantly married and an expectant mother at age seventeen. Naomi has always been a survivor: She put herself through nursing school to support her young daughters, then took a courageous chance by moving to Nashville to pursue their fantastic dream of careers in country music. Now she has been brave enough to write about her very personal struggle with severe depression and anxiety. Depression is an epidemic in our country, a profound financial and emotional public health burden. As I watched Mom and Pop wade through the sucking mire of depression, I was deeply thankful that there was also help for us family members.
"Halfway through with Naomi's book."
"Naomi's career brought financial success, but what may be less obvious is that her sense of purpose and accomplishment and the connection with her audiences effectively put her traumas in a dorment state. Most people who'll read this are not famous performers, but at some point in life, we will all lose critical elements of ourselves. Small children will grow into independent adults, rewriting the significance and purpose as our role as parents. Careers will stall or cease, or at their best, come to an inevitable end as we age, taking with them the purpose and power we found from work. Marriages will dissolve, ripping away our identities as wives or husbands, taking away the hope and possibility and future that we once thought those roles held."
"Thank you, Naomi, for sharing your remarkable life with us."
"I bought the book for my twin and she has enjoyed reading it."
"This book shows that money and fame can't buy good health, happiness or fulfillment."
"Best book I have ever read."
"Highly recommend Naomi's book!"
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Best Depression

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life. Now, in this updated edition, Dr Burns adds an all-new Consumer's Guide To Antidepressant Drugs, as well as a new introduction to help answer your questions about the many options available for treating depression. --Henny Westra, PhD, York University Anxiety Research Clinic, praise for the author FEELING GOOD FEELS WONDERFUL. The good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other "black holes" of depression can be cured without drugs.
"Don't know why some reviewers are saying it is not helpful for people with severe depression - maybe some people with severe depression need a different approach, but let me speak for the rest of us. I tried two different therapists, both of whom wanted to talk about other people in my life - my parents, my husband, etc. It's also true that there is the usual filler crap that you get in self-help books "Janet is a 40-year old dental assistant who came to me in 2005 suffering from..." blah, blah, blah. My depression is so much better that I am shocked. I can't express what that means to me, but if you have depression, I don't have to."
"Once you start reading this book, you will start to feel better."
"Working my ay through it."
"Recommended to me by a therapist...the book has good material, but is a bit difficult to get into."
"I first read this book probably 20 years ago, and it's just as timely now as it was then."
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Best Anxiety Disorders

Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things
Furiously Happy is about depression and mental illness, but deep down it's about joy―and who doesn't want a bit more of that? Praise for Jenny Lawson:
"I like Jenny's POV, I just liked the first book a little more as it was more stories and this has a good bit more time spent in essays or like, motivational talks to the reader."
"A brave, talented woman lets us in to the mind of an intelligent, lovable person trapped in a world with quirky rules about what to spend her energy on that seem to wear her out while at the same time causing much amusement."
"Parts of this book made me laugh out loud."
"This was a fine read."
"Silly, funny, twisted, honest, heartbreaking... on top of struggling with mental illness which she is candid about, Lawson is a little nuts."
"This book is hilarious, sobering, thrilling and chilling all at once."
"Why isn’t shampoo good enough for all parts of the body; just let it drop and drip from the top of the head? A gall bladder emergency surgery can leave the digestive plumbing unpredictable. Lawson’s sharing her reality, in search of laughter and personhood, places each reader on the spectrum of mental illness."
"A few of the pieces are more serious when explaining the difficulties of her mental illness, but most are funny observations that are incapable of getting from point A to point B without going off on numerous odd tangents. Some of the topics she addresses are pockets for woman's pants, air travel, her gallbladder, a trip to Australia with a female friend, Twitter support groups, opossums galore, and a handful of silly arguments she has with her husband Victor. It takes a lot of courage to struggle with frequent depression and would help readers who do not understand the challenges of mental illness."
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Best Utilitarianism Philosophy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 7 Ways to Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, and Intrusive Thoughts (Happiness is a trainable, attainable skill! Book 1)
Inspired by compassion, this book is a gift to fellow casualties of negative thought patterns, destructive behaviors, self-loathers, and those wishing freedom from persistent demons. Challenge Unhelpful, Intrusive Thoughts Build a Better Relationship with Yourself Break Bad Habits and Enjoy Life! Tags: Training, Techniques, Course, Self-Help, Online, Books, Anxiety, Depression, Cure, Insomnia, OCD, pure O, Phobias, Intrusive Thoughts, CBT, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Your Stress-Free Life. "A beautifully presented and balanced approach to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A beautifully presented and balanced approach to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, rich in recommended resources for further study or inquiry. Whether teacher, student, parent, child, sibling, friend or health professional, these 'evidence-based' approaches to sifting out the nonsense that accumulates in our thinking are an invaluable tool for living a calm and fulfilled life, no matter what your own circumstances might be. -- Athea Howard "Look inward, find strength: As Marcus Aurelius said, 'You have power over your mind, not outside events.
"For people who suffer these conditions, it is hard to find ways to cope. It is about time to have a book that truly understands and explains the importance of careful and mindful thinking. I was not familiar with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) until I read this book."
"I'm not usually into these kinds of books, but there were a lot of interesting points made."
"Good advice for everyone, not just those who feel they need help."
"This book is actually very good."
"I really like this book and the comparison it made between the brain and the car engine, which with the right mental practice (the right “cog”), put into action at the right time (changing mental states, or “gears”), your machine (the brain) can function with more ease, efficiency, and contentment."
"I like this book.The suggestions that are given in this book are simple and easy to follow.This book stands out for its easily readable explanation of what cognitive behavioral therapy is and the practical advice it gives.It deals on how we manage our behavior and to avoid and beat anxiety.Worth recommended book."
"This stuff is a must to read for graduate students and practicing therapists who are interested in learning the essentials of CBT."
"It has helped me on many occasions to put things back into perspective, when I "feel" like I'm losing control of what's going on in my life."
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Best Postpartum Depression

Behind the Smile: My Journey Out of Postpartum Depression
More than one out of 10 new mothers experience post-partum depression (PPD), yet few women seek help. Marie Osmond is an international star and was the youngest female country artist in history to debut with a #1 record.
"Marie went through many traumatic experiences - from sexual abuse, perfection issues, body and eating disorders - and she discusses them candidly and honestly while still keeping a sense of humor which most assuredly helped her not completely lose her mind."
"There isn't a more perfect book for each and every pregnant/new mom, new dad, or couple to read."
"Reading Marie's account and comments were as if I were talking to me daughter."
"Marie Osmond will pluck your heartstrings with this boldly honest overview of her life and the factors contributing to her postpartum depression experience."
"Marie gave a very honest and candid revelation about her nightmare with PPD."
"Can't wait to get started on her latest book "The Key Is Love"! I've always loved the Osmond Family so reading her books are pure joy!"
"Marie Osmond provides sufficient examples of the ups and downs associated with the life of a working mother,who didn't develop appropriate boundaries, and found herself depleted and emotions unattended."
"More staining that I had expected."
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Best Dementia

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers
Groundbreaking and timely, Grain Brain shows that the fate of your brain is not in your genes, it's in the food you eat. Modern wheat, in particular, is responsible for destroying more brains in this country than all the strokes, car accidents, and head trauma combined. Dr. Perlmutter makes a persuasive case for this wheat-free approach to preserve brain health and functioning, or to begin the process of reversal." "If you want to boost your brain power, keep your memory, and lift your mood and energy, as well as heal from a host of other common complaints, Dr. Perlmutter is your guide. "A provocative, eye-opening scientific account of how diet profoundly influences nerve health and brain function. Grain Brain explains how the American diet rich in gluten and inflammatory foods is linked to neurological conditions. "A galvanizing call to arms against a gluten-heavy diet....Perlmutter's credentials as a board-certified neurologist and American College of Nutrition Fellow make him a uniquely qualified voice in the debate about which foods are best for the brain and body." "Mind-blowing and disruptive to some long-standing beliefs about what our bodies require for optimal health...GRAIN BRAIN lays out an easy-to-understand roadmap packed with the latest science."
"I'm never hungry, I get to eat all kinds of meats and cheeses and veggies, and I don't even bother counting calories. The supplements he recommends have made an almost instant difference - my nails are stronger and growing long, my skin is better, and my overall mood is vastly improved."
"One of the most successful many I ever met told me that, "the data talks"."
"It changed everything I thought I knew about food and its relationship to health. You just eat what’s good for you: Fat - lots of it, meats, vegetables, eggs, cheese, salads, nuts, seeds (my new favorite snack is Pepitas, which they have at Publix). I eat a lot less than I used to because I’m getting enough fat in my diet, and not stuffing myself with useless breads, crackers, chips, and pasta – which just make me hungrier and hungrier. What I’ve gained are increased energy, lots less brain fog, joints moving better (do not hurt all the time), less headaches – a LOT less, tummy troubles are now non-existent, and before, I was always gaseous or had diarrhea, or just was hurting in general. My labs were checked in February, after just two months, and my doc was blown away. I was no longer in the diabetic range and my liver functions had normalized. He also has a good website with a lot of articles to read: [...] If you want your health back, it’s time to read, Grain Brain!"
"Back on gluten free diet and has been seizure free for 4 months."
"An additional note -- anyone who already eats fairly consciously and still needs to lose pounds will still have to practice moderation, e.g., the license and reasons to consume "good" fats, for instance, are neurologically important, but the calories add up quickly if you don't track how much you eat vs. how active you are."
"It is a sobering read, but is a must read if you are interested in maintaining good brain health and avoiding diseases such as Type II Diabetes, as well as potentially significantly reducing the risk of developing dementia and other brain disease."
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Best Dreams

The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions
The Divinity Code to Understanding your Dreams and Visions is a Bible-based guide to dream interpretation that reveals the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Divinity Code to Understanding your Dreams and Visions contains: The most extensive Christian dream dictionary on the market (with Scripture support). "This is BY FAR the most thorough and exhaustive manual on dreams, visions, symbolism, and dream interpretaion that we have seen.
"I really needed to read this book, I do need to re-read it to take more notes."
"This book will help you shed light on God's night language."
"The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions teaches us that men of God in the bible days were taught through dreams; and they held their dreams in high regard. The authors have included many dreams and also interpretations to those dreams. There is also an indepth Metaphor Dictionary where you can look up key components of your own dreams to find a likely meaning. These are presented with Bible references to support their meanings. The names of people and places are key in understanding our dreams and there is an awesome Dictionary included for that aspect as well."
"Awesome book."
"Great book."
"The authors remind you that to interpret scripture, use scripture within context."
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Best Schizophrenia

The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness
Elyn R. Saks is an esteemed professor, lawyer, and psychiatrist and is the Orrin B. Evans Professor of Law, Psychology, Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California Law School, yet she has suffered from schizophrenia for most of her life, and still has ongoing major episodes of the illness. Her personal experience of a world in which she is both frightened and frightening is graphically drawn and leads directly to her advocacy of mental patients' civil rights as they confront compulsory medication, civil commitment, the abuse of restraints and the absurdities of the mental care system.
"I wanted to understand schizophrenia and aspects related to this mental disorder; this book delivers that and much more."
"This was a very interesting book about schizophrenia - how it presents itself, how it differs from other mental illnesses, and how it's treated with medication."
"I have never read such a descriptive book on mental illness."
"I can't say enough good things about this book: The bravery and ability to write about one's own schizophrenia."
"The author's constant and consistently present idea that staying on medication (even though it kept her sane) indicated that she was a failure makes the book a bit monotonous. Elyn has some stress in life, becomes psychotic, gets medication that helps, then refuses to take it because that would make her a failure. Also, I found the author to be a tad self-congratulatory for my taste, though I understand how proud she must have been to be accomplishing what she was, despite having such a debilitating mental illness. I have noticed many people's negative reviews surround Elyn's privileged status. I see this same kind of classist vitriol (of the reviewers) in another book I enjoy in this genre Prozac Nation."
"She shows how a high functioning life can be fabricated with the help of support, talk therapy and medication."
"As Ms. Saks brings the reader into the the experiences of confusion, fear, and chaos she has lived through having schizophrenia, she imparts the vital part trusted friends can play in comforting and guiding a psychotic friend to the help they need when an episode occurs."
"Brilliant woman, prodigiously educated and schizophrenic."
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Best Codependency

Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself
The healing touchstone of millions, this modern classic by one of America's best-loved and most inspirational authors holds the key to understanding codependency and to unlocking its stultifying hold on your life. In Newsweek magazine, Dr. Drew Pinsky named Melody Beattie's Codependent No More one of the four essential self-help books available today, calling it the "grandaddy of addiction tomes."
"Very helpful for people who are dealing with an alcoholic or addicted person in their lives."
"Very informative and helpful."
"Great book."
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Best Mood Disorders

Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men
you will learn about: • The early warning signs of abuse. • The nature of abusive thinking. • Myths about abusers. • Ten abusive personality types. • The role of drugs and alcohol. • What you can fix, and what you can’t. • And how to get out of an abusive relationship safely. Bancroft, a former codirector of Emerge, the first U.S. program for abusive men, and a 15-year veteran of work with abusive men, reminds readers that each year in this country, two to four million women are assaulted by their partners and that at least one out of three American women will be a victim of violence by a husband or boyfriend at some point in her life.
"In short, I wasted 35 years of my life with this man, who distorted reality and everything I knew to be true and tried his best to make me feel small and unworthy. He moved out of the house last week (I bought him out) and I have to say ... it is sad, but I've never felt more at peace with the decision and I am ALREADY much, much happier. NO ONE should have to live with someone who treats you like a child, or curses you out "just because that's the way he's feeling," or will not respect you or your career, or refuses to stop drinking or drugging, or who physically harms or threatens you."
"This book will stop making you feel sorry for your abuser."
"So, with a title like "angry and controlling men," they are more likely to pick up the book, thinking, "Hey, this might apply to the confusing situation I am facing." He can routinely blame her for everything that goes wrong in his life, or he can constantly critique her and tear her down, or he can call her names that when I tried to put them in this review, got it banned from Amazon. Abuse is not a binary kind of behavior that is only invoked when the fists fly, but a deeply ingrained, unrepentant attitude of ownership, entitlement, contempt and resentment that a man displays, not toward most people in his life, but toward "his" woman (including past women). This confusion is created by the abuser himself, in his highly successful attempts to justify himself to himself, to his victim, and to the people around him. Bancroft did not did start out with this assumption, by the way, but came to it after years of working with abusers in mandatory counseling groups. When he started out, he believed what the abusers told him about how their behavior was caused by their wives' failings, their traumatic childhoods, their unemployment, or the hurts done them by past girlfriends; that they didn't know what they were doing; that they "lost control." The abuser, meanwhile, is functional in his life at large (except when it comes to treating his wife well), and appears to be a sane, trustworthy person. Small wonder, then, that the abused woman, her friends, and society at large cannot figure out what her problem is. If they start from the assumption that the abuser is a decent guy who means well, they will never figure out the situation. For example, in one chapter Bancroft examines in some detail a frustrating conversation between a whiny, controlling man and his wife, which ends with him insisting on walking home in the cold, even though she would be willing to drive him. Of course, his main motive is to maintain the role of victim, to keep himself in the right and his wife in the wrong, so that he can tell himself (and tell everyone else later) how she "left him" to walk home in the cold. There is a fascinating, counterintuitive warning (late in the book), that women in abusive situations should not seek couples' counseling. The reassuring presence of the counselor might get the wife to open up and say things to, or about, her husband that she would never otherwise dream of uttering."
"Anger management will not help these people; they need to be in an abuse program. Because most abusers never change, the abuse program needs to consider the victims as their real clients, because they are the ones who will benefit most by feeling supported and validated, and they are a necessary component of the program to keep the abuser accountable. Interesting that the day after I read this in the book, I saw it on Facebook as a meme."
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Best Happiness Self-Help

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is his antidote to the coddling, let’s-all-feel-good mindset that has infected modern society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek. A much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-you-in-the-eye moment of real-talk, filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humor, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is a refreshing slap for a generation to help them lead contented, grounded lives. This is a masterful, philosophical and practical book that will give readers the wisdom to be able to do just that.” ( Ryan Holiday, New York Times bestselling author of The Obstacle is the Way and Ego is the Enemy ). “Mark’s ability to dig deep and offer amazing, yet counter-intuitive, insight into the challenges of life makes him one of my favorite writers, and this book is his best work yet.” ( Matt Kepnes, New York Times bestselling author of Travel the World on $50 a Day: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Smarter ). “An in-your-face guide to living with integrity and finding happiness in sometimes-painful places… This book, full of counterintuitive suggestions that often make great sense, is a pleasure to read and worthy of rereading.
"As someone who has given far too many f***s about far too many things their entire life, this book was exactly the wake up call I needed. We have a limited emotional capacity, and we often squander it on reactions to mean-spirited people or unfortunate events, completely forgetting that, although we can't control the world around us, we can control ourselves. If you're the type of person who's struggled to keep their temper in line or if you're like me and you find yourself on an emotional roller-coaster because you take every event in the world and within your own life to heart, I strongly encourage you to read this book. If profanity is so much of a problem for you, that you can't tolerate reading the first half of this book (the last half is much less profane) you're probably too narrow-minded to have taken away any of the many philosophical benefits this book offers."
"If you don't have anything substantive to occupy your time, then it's trivial stuff that bothers you: "Your ex-boyfriend’s new Facebook picture, how quickly the batteries die in the TV remote, missing out on yet another two-for-one sale on hand sanitizer—chances are you don’t have much going on in your life..." Mark suggests just picking a few big things--values and people that reflect your values: "What I’m talking about here is essentially learning how to focus and prioritize your thoughts effectively—how to pick and choose what matters to you and what does not matter to you based on finely honed personal values." On a serious note, the author relates a horrific experience from his youth, when a drunken friend took a dare, jumped into a lake and drowned. This tragedy led to a determination to change the direction of his life, and figure out what is most important: "Oddly, it was someone else’s death that gave me permission to finally live. The author refers often to a book, "The Denial of Death," (which became a Pulitzer Prize winner.). In serious, heartfelt chapters, the author reflects on human existence, and our search for meaning in life."
"Some of the main themes are these: (1) Choosing what to care about; focusing on the things/problems that are actually meaningful/important (= "giving a f*** about the right things"). (2) Learning to be fine with some negative things; always aiming for positivity isn't practical, and is stressful in itself. (3) Taking responsibility of your own life; it's good for your self-esteem not to keep blaming the circumstances for your problems. (4) Understanding the importance of honesty and boundaries, especially in relationships. (5) Identity; it might a good idea not to commit strongly to any special identity such as "an undiscovered genius", because then any challenges will make you fear the potential loss of that identity you've clinged to. (6) Motivation; how to improve it by accepting failure and taking action. (7) Death; how learning to be more comfortable with one's own mortality can make it easier to live. The first 20% of this book were a little bit boring to read, but after that, the experience was very absorbing."
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Best Bipolar Disorder

Lab Girl
National Bestseller. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiography A New York Times Notable Book. Winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Film Prize for Excellence in Science Books. Does for botany what Oliver Sacks’s essays did for neurology, what Stephen Jay Gould’s writings did for paleontology.” — The New York Times. “Lab Girl made me look at trees differently. It compelled me to ponder the astonishing grace and gumption of a seed. Perhaps most importantly, it introduced me to a deeply inspiring woman—a scientist so passionate about her work I felt myself vividly with her on every page. This is a smart, enthralling, and winning debut.” —Cheryl Strayed. Powerful and disarming.” — The Washington Post “Clear, compelling and uncompromisingly honest . Hope Jahren is the voice that science has been waiting for.” — Nature. Moving.” — The New York Times Book Review “A powerful new memoir . Think Stephen Jay Gould or Oliver Sacks. But Hope Jahren is a woman in science, who speaks plainly to just how rugged that can be. Offers a lively glimpse into a scientifically inclined mind.” — The Wall Street Journal “Some people are great writers, while other people live lives of adventure and importance. She makes me wish I’d been a scientist.” —Ann Patchett, author of State of Wonder “ Lab Girl surprised, delighted, and moved me. I was drawn in from the start by the clarity and beauty of Jahren’s prose. With Lab Girl , Jahren joins those talented scientists who are able to reveal to us the miracle of this world in which we live.” —Abraham Verghese, author of Cutting for Stone “Revelatory. A veritable jungle of ideas and sensations.” — Slate “Warm, witty . Jahren’s singular gift is her ability to convey the everyday wonder of her work: exploring the strange, beautiful universe of living things that endure and evolve and bloom all around us, if we bother to look.” — Entertainment Weekly “Deeply affecting. A totally original work, both fierce and uplifting. A belletrist in the mold of Oliver Sacks, she is terrific at showing just how science is done. She’s an acute observer, prickly, and funny as hell.” — Elle “Magnificent. a scientist’s memoir of a quirky, gritty, fascinating life. Like Robert Sapolsky’s A Primate’s Memoir or Helen Macdonald’s H is for Hawk , it delivers the zing of a beautiful mind in nature.” — Seattle Times “Jahren's memoir [is] the beginning of a career along the lines of Annie Dillard or Diane Ackerman.” — Minneapolis Star Tribune “A scientific memoir that's beautifully human.” — Popular Science “Breathtakingly honest. At its core, Lab Girl is a book about seeing—with the eyes, but also the hands and the heart.” — American Scientist.
"Yet this book, which might better be considered a platonic love story to Bill, her long time lab partner, rather than a book about the life of a scientist, was tainted by the gleeful disdain that Jahren and Bill show for many other people. One day, Jahren does not heed multiple warnings and directs the graduate student driver to go straight into a snow storm. The student driver, understandably shaken, asks to be dropped off at the airport so she can fly home, but Jahren and Bill yell at her and refuse, calling her a quitter. Jahren and Bill enjoy giving their students a repetitive, meaningless task, like labeling hundreds of bottles, and then telling them that, sorry, they won't be using their work after all."
"I appreciate the way she incorporated her struggles with mental illness, women in science and university funding (which will make any tuition paying parent give a HARD look at the college they are paying to educate their child at) within the book but never came off as whiny or complaining."
"I do us because us is what I know how to do.”. ~Hope Jahren, Lab Girl. This book is a love story to life, plants, science, best friends, spouses, and parenthood. I especially loved the relationship between her and her friend Bill and how she described the depth of their friendship: “That no matter what our future held, my first task would always be to kick a hole in the world and make a space for him where he could safely be his eccentric self.”. And how she spoke of the depth of motherhood. “Every kiss that I give my child heals one that I had ached for but was not given - indeed, it has turned out to be the only thing that ever could.”. I recommend this to anyone looking for some inspiration from a true story told in an interesting way and I happily give this book 4 stars."
"I got this book because our local library (where I volunteer) has a program going on that involves the book."
"Her mental illness and relationship with her lab assistant (who likely has autism, but is able to make her botany research possible with his amazing ability to construct lab equipment and assist her in her field work) are themes throughout the book."
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Best Dissociative Disorders

Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
Winner of the 2017 International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Pierre Janet Writing Award. Although there are other training manuals that address the treatment of trauma, there is none that deal specifically with the subset of dissociative pathology. This book serves as a manual for therapists, a guide for trainers, and a workbook for dissociative disorder patients, delivering an up-to-date blend of the best clinical practices with recent advances in mindfulness therapy and cognitive behavioral approaches to pathological dissociation.”. - Frank W. Putnam, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. It offers a myriad of exercises and strategies to help clients challenge dissociative adaptations and replace them with other means of coping, so that they can develop a more integrated self and life, and ultimately regain control of their bodies and minds.”. - Christine A. Courtois, PhD, ABPP, author of Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy and Recollections of Sexual Abuse.
"the client I had in mind when I bought it has purchased a copy as well and is using it regularly."
"This book is a fabulous companion to therapy, but it is also written and laid -out so well that a person can follow it on their own."
"This book is a must if you treat dissociative clients."
"Good self help book for cliens or therapists just learning about DID."
"Would be helpful for therapist, a person with the diagnosis and family and friends of those with the diagnosis."
"One of the best resources I've encountered for working with patients with strong treatment resistant DID."
"While this may work to a certain degree over a very long period of time, I feel that it's missing the main point: trauma is essentially in the limbic system in the brain, and also held in the body."
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Best Personality Disorders

The Only Girl in the World: A Memoir
Maude Julien's parents were fanatics who believed it was their sacred duty to turn her into the ultimate survivor--raising her in isolation, tyrannizing her childhood and subjecting her to endless drills designed to "eliminate weakness." "A harrowing yet achingly beautiful tale of a girl imprisoned by her brutal, fanatic family, but whose yearning for wonder and love ultimately drives her toward the improbable light of the world. The Only Girl in the World is a story of resilience unlike any I have ever read. The Only Girl in the World is the haunting story of a girl whose survivalist parents locked her away and subjected her to 'training' starting at the age of three. A tale of hope and profound courage, The Only Girl in the World illustrates how trusting ourselves and following our hearts can save us from the most oppressive and cruel conditions. "The year's most harrowing memoir...At times the book, in form, resembles the beginnings of Emma Donoghue's Room , but this text is necessarily more graphic and frightening...My multiple audible gasps while working through The Only Girl in the World were partly a result of its author's ability to so artfully capture the meaning and depth of her survival. You wonder how anyone who went through what she did could come out functioning on the other side...That The Only Girl in the World exists as it does is a most persuasive argument for Julien's remarkable willpower. "This story is never maudlin-it is so absorbing that you have to remind yourself to breathe from time to time. "A harrowing, gripping memoir of abuse and psychopathy...Julien approaches the past with fearless contemplation, veracity, and vivid portrayals of the brutality in her early life.
"When she was three years old, Maude’s father, Louis Didier liquidated his assets and bought a house near Cassel where he took his wife and daughter to live in virtual isolation from the world around them. Thereafter, Maude’s upbringing was strictly regimented, physically demanding and devoid of human love and affection, in accordance with her father’s grand plan to raise a superhuman being. A host of sinister noises, little animals moving around in the dark, scurrying, running, stopping, rummaging and scuttling off again. I also have to cope without any of life’s pleasures, starting with delights for the tastebuds, which are the surest route to weakness. As the reader progresses through Maude’s account of her childhood and adolescence, it becomes patently clear that her father is delusional, but still manages to wield great power over his wife and daughter, indoctrinating them both with his bizarre ideas. The text is flawlessly translated from French by Adriana Hunter, and the author’s note to her English readers forms an important endnote."
"I was privileged enough to receive an advanced reader's copy of this book, and I just need to say up front that if there has ever been a book I've wanted to write a good review for, it's this one. Such as the family I’ve been blessed with, and the relationships I’ve taken for granted, and how the mountains I had yesterday are really just molehills. And I kept having to put the book down, because my throat hurt too much. It’s a book about the beauty of the human spirit."
"The Only Girl in the World by Maude Julien is a highly recommended memoir about a woman's abusive childhood - and her escape. Maude Julien's parents were fanatics and the torture she experienced under their supervision was supposedly done to strengthen her. He designed the education and cruel tasks Maude had to do and his wife helped him carry his plans out. The abusive things Maude was forced to do in order to strengthen her character are painful to read about. There isn't a lot of reflection or analysis by Maude as she relates what she had to endure and at times it feels just too unflinching in the recounting of the horror. It is also satisfying to know that an outsider, a music teacher, assessed what was going on and put a plan into action that would eventually help Maude escape her insane, controlling father."
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Best Compulsive Behavior

Man's Search for Meaning
At the time of Frankl's death in 1997, Man's Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. The book begins with a lengthy, austere, and deeply moving personal essay about Frankl's imprisonment in Auschwitz and other concentration camps for five years, and his struggle during this time to find reasons to live. The second part of the book, called "Logotherapy in a Nutshell," describes the psychotherapeutic method that Frankl pioneered as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps.
"Read this book, read this book."
"Those that had developed purpose and meaning to the harsh conditions got out of bed every morning to face another unbearable day."
"I cried and became distressed as I listened to Viktor Frankl's personal journey."
"Profound insight."
"A little twist of ideas as to why some people survive the worst and why others don't survive medium bad."
"I am just now to the place he talks about how thinking of his wife and having mental conversations with her gave him strength to stay alive!"
"A nice read about the importance of finding meaning in your life."
"This is a great book from both the personal story aspect as well as for its philosophical aspects."
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Best Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
“Essential reading for anyone interested in understanding and treating traumatic stress and the scope of its impact on society.” —Alexander McFarlane, Director of the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies A pioneering researcher transforms our understanding of trauma and offers a bold new paradigm for healing in this New York Times Science bestseller Trauma is a fact of life. Praise for The Body Keeps the Score “In this inspirational work which seamlessly weaves keen clinical observation, neuroscience, historical analysis, the arts, and personal narrative, Dr. van der Kolk has created an authoritative guide to the effects of trauma, and pathways to recovery. A must read for mental health and other health care professionals, trauma survivors, their loved ones, and those who seek clinical, social, or political solutions to the cycle of trauma and violence in our society.” —Rachel Yehuda, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and neuroscience, director of the Traumatic Stress Studies Division at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY “This is an absolutely fascinating and clearly written book by one of the nation’s most experienced physicians in the field of emotional trauma. “Breathtaking in its scope and breadth, The Body Keeps the Score is a seminal work by one of the preeminent pioneers in trauma research and treatment. Van der Kolk, the eminent impresario of trauma treatment, who has spent a career bringing together diverse trauma scientists and clinicians and their ideas, while making his own pivotal contributions, describes what is arguably the most important series of breakthroughs in mental health in the last thirty years. Here we see not only how psychological trauma also breaks connections within the brain, but also between mind and body, and learn about the exciting new approaches that allow people with the severest forms of trauma to put all the parts back together again.” —Norman Doidge, author of The Brain That Changes Itself. “ The Body Keeps the Score articulates new and better therapies for toxic stress based on a deep understanding of the effects of trauma on brain development and attachment systems. Bessel van der Kolk may focus on the body and trauma, but what a mind he must have to have written this book.”. Its deeply empathic, insightful, and compassionate perspective promises to further humanize the treatment of trauma victims, dramatically expand their repertoire of self-regulatory healing practices and therapeutic options, and also stimulate greater creative thinking and research on trauma and its effective treatment. The body does keep the score, and Van der Kolk’s ability to demonstrate this through compelling descriptions of the work of others, his own pioneering trajectory and experience as the field evolved and him along with it, and above all, his discovery of ways to work skillfully with people by bringing mindfulness to the body (as well as to their thoughts and emotions) through yoga, movement, and theater are a wonderful and welcome breath of fresh air and possibility in the therapy world.”. “In The Body Keeps the Score we share the author’s courageous journey into the parallel dissociative worlds of trauma victims and the medical and psychological disciplines that are meant to provide relief. “Bessel van der Kolk is unequaled in his ability to synthesize the stunning developments in the field of psychological trauma over the past few decades. —Ruth A. Lanius, MD, PhD, Harris-Woodman chair in Psyche and Soma, professor of psychiatry, and director PTSD research at the University of Western Ontario; author of The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease. Interspersed with that narrative are clear and understandable descriptions of the neurobiology of trauma; explanations of the ineffectiveness of traditional approaches to treating trauma; and introductions to the approaches that take patients beneath their cognitive minds to heal the parts of them that remained frozen in the past. “When it comes to understanding the impact of trauma and being able to continue to grow despite overwhelming life experiences, Bessel van der Kolk leads the way in his comprehensive knowledge, clinical courage, and creative strategies to help us heal. Dr. Van der Kolk offer a brilliant synthesis of clinical cases, neuroscience, powerful tools and caring humanity, offering a whole new level of healing for the traumas carried by so many.”. Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., is the founder and medical director of the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts.
"Frankly, nothing really worked until I discovered - and applied - the somatic (body) techniques espoused by van der Kolk, and other luminaries such as Peter Levine, Pat Ogden, and Eugene Gendlin. The only way to ‘communicate’ with this pre-verbal system is through the body, which can signal to the brain stem that it is OK to begin the process of unfreezing the emotional paralysis that has plagued us for decades. UPDATE 2018: One of the treatments that Bessel van der Kolk mentions in his book - MDMA - was recently granted ‘Breakthrough Therapy’ status by the FDA for phase 3 trials. This is because the phase 1 and 2 trials were so successful, that nearly 70% of participants no longer had PTSD after just 3 MDMA sessions (most of these participants had suffered PTSD for decades)."
"Psychiatrist, professor, world-class researcher, and traumatologist Bessel van der Kolk MD requires no introduction to trauma psychotherapists. Familiar with major reviews of PTSD psychotherapy outcomes research, I know that research support for body-oriented approaches to treating psychological trauma psychopathology is thin at best, and such treatment models simply do not have the research validation of either EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and PE (Prolonged Exposure), neither of which are especially body-focused. J. Interlandi's excellent article anticipating publication of this book - "A Revolutionary Approach to Treating PTSD" (New York Times Magazine, 2014.05.22 - available online) - initially supported my fears that for some inexplicable reason van der Kolk was now promoting some treatment model for which we have little confirming research. Yet the account of van der Kolk's therapy work in Interlandi's article is gripping. (I've been here before, reading van der Kolk's own accounts of his work.). Van der Kolk's critique of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy - a general class of therapies) and PE (E. Foa's exposure therapy model) is withering and correct: neither really work. Because as a trauma treatment professional I'm well aware of what the trauma treatment outcomes research actually says. Van der Kolk's new book has many virtues. Parts One and Two (102 pp) provide a substantial review of the neuropsychology of trauma's impact on a person. I've long thought that much writing on treating psychological trauma seems to miss the point: trauma memory is what causes the problem. As he does throughout the book, van der Kolk offers fine stories about clients who have experienced exactly what I've seen happen in my clients, making excellent use of what cognitive research tells us: people understand things best through narratives. Psychological trauma therapy is complex, but we are now well prepared to launch into the book's core content - Part Five (154 pp), "Paths to Recovery". Van der Kolk tells an amusing and self-deprecating story about his advanced training experience, in which Puk was able to provide a strong corrective to his approach to clients. Van der Kolk's thoughts on self-empowerment for those in recovery from psychological trauma will be invaluable to any trauma psychotherapy client. Van der Kolk shows us how. Organization -. * 6 pp: prefatory praise by peers and related luminaries (interesting comments from some important people in the field); * 2 pp: Table of Contents; * 356 pp: actual text; * 4 pp: Appendix: Consensus proposed criteria for developmental trauma disorder. * 3 pp: Resources. * 4 pp: Further reading. * 51 pp: Notes. * 21 pp: Index."
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Best Emotional Mental Health

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization. Copublished with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) The. Untethered Soul begins by walking you through your relationship with your thoughts and emotions, helping you uncover the source and fluctuations of your inner energy. The accuracy and simplicity of this work is a measure of its pure mastery.”. ― James O’Dea , past president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). It may take more than one reading and many hours of introspection, but The Untethered Soul is a must-read for anyone in search of greater understanding of themselves and of the truth.”. ― Louis Chiavacci , senior vice-president of Merrill Lynch, ranked in Barron’s top fifteen US Investment Advisors. “This publication has released boundless joy for the hungry souls of the world.”. ― Ma Yoga Shakti Saraswati, founder of Yogashakti International Mission and recipient of Hinduism Today’s Hindu of the Year 2000 award. Singer bridges these two great traditions in a radiant treatise on how to succeed in life from our spiritual quest to our everyday tribulations. With great eloquence, wit, and compelling logic, Singer’s brilliant book completes this thought by showing them to be two poles of the same selfless devotion.”. — Ray Kurzweil , National Medal of Technology recipient and author of The Singularity Is Near. Singer takes the reader on a journey that begins with consciousness tethered to the ego and ends having taken us beyond our myopic, contained self-image to a state of inner freedom and liberation. Michael A. Singer’s book is a priceless gift to all who have futilely searched and yearned for a richer, more meaningful, creative life.”. — Yogi Amrit Desai , internationally recognized pioneer of modern yoga.
"I read the audio version of this book multiple times, bought copies of it for clients, and shared it with friends. After reading Michael's book, I simply allowed irrelevant, erroneous, totally made up thoughts to just float on by without attaching my emotions to them. It means you're no longer an emotional puppet on the string of everyone else's behavior, attitudes, decisions, choices, etc. I LOVED the audio version of the book because the person who read it was perfect for the content. I've read TONS of other books on similar topics but the way Michael conveyed the material was unique and different and I really GOT IT!"
"Some of the points made in The Untethered Soul are: 1. Learn to relax and stay open no matter what. Do not identify with the experiences you are observing. Facing the fact of bodily death can help you to realize that all of the observed is temporary. Do not allow painful experiences from the past to influence the present. If you want a life full of joy and love you must make a commitment to having a life full of joy and love. Learn how to live from your heart, not from your ego. The Untethered Soul is my second most favorite book on the subject of how to transcend the ego and how to realize the true Self and directly experience that perfect infinite consciousness that has only joy and love and has no suffering. My most favorite book on that subject is THE SEVEN STEPS TO AWAKENING which is a collection of quotes by these seven authors: 1."
"I see life and the spiritual journey differently, and though I do believe we all should strive for a happier life and a more peaceful spirit, I don't believe it is desirable to live without some unhappiness, some worries, some fears. The author contradicts himself many times, but more importantly doesn't indicate any awareness that he has contradicted himself. Thus, while the author makes many statements throughout that I agree with, he also constantly is making other statements that contradict previous ones, giving me the impression that he is just writing a stream of consciousness of statements cherry-picked to resonate with a broad range of spiritual-enlightenment-seekers, without much regard to whether those statements gel together to form a cohesive whole. Structure. I would not want to take that away from anyone, but sadly, it is not the book for me."
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Best Eating Disorder Self-Help

Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin & Free
By working with four “Bright Lines”—clear, unambiguous, boundaries—Susan Peirce Thompson shows us how to heal our brain and shift it into a mode where it is ready to shed pounds, release cravings, and stop sabotaging our weight loss goals. Through the lens of Susan’s own moving story, and those of her Bright Lifers, you’ll discover firsthand why traditional diet and exercise plans have failed in the past. Dr. Thompson has illuminated the reasons why so many of us are so addicted to today’s food supply and why obesity is so common. This book is based not only on the personal experiences of thousands, but also backed up by solid brain science that has never been presented like this before. — Mark Hyman, M.D., director, Cleveland Center for Functional Medicine and #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Blood Sugar Solution.
"I am now 75 years old and two years ago I found Susan pierce Thompson program and finally the program that works for me."
"That was how I felt when I read the book “Bright Line Eating, the Science of Living Happy, Thin, and Free”!! After starting a Bright Line Eating boot camp a year ago TODAY, I have released 57 pounds and 35 inches overall! The way Dr. Thompson writes—it really is like she is sitting at the table with me like a good friend, telling me the science—the “why” I haven’t been able to keep the lost weight off. Has any other author told you what to do when you travel or when you are ill or how to get through a special occasion like birthdays, weddings, holidays?! “Bright Line Eating, the Science of Living Happy, Thin, and Free” isn’t just another “diet” book!"
"I started watching Susan's videos on you tube. I took the leap and joined the 14 day challenge. I had to be focused, organized and plan ahead. Did I crave sugary processed foods? Best thing about this plan. It works. I'm feel so much better. Energy level increased. Sleeping solid through the night. Losing weight. Decreased brain fog."
"Over the course of 35 years I tried Weight Watchers (MANY times), Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, South Beach Diet, Eat More Weigh Less, The Zone, Slim Fast, SparkPeople, Eat Right for Your Type, Dexatrim, Medifast, Atkins, Ornish, Mediterranean, Suzanne Somers, Susan Powter-Stop the Insanity, Jane Fonda Workouts, 6 Week Body Makeover, Protein Power, Shakeology, and the list goes on. Some diets lasted for days, others for weeks or months, but none of them clicked. My cheat day(s) or meals turned into cheat weeks over time, and slowly my books, food, pills, shakes or materials disappeared into the spare bedroom so I didn't see the reminder of yet another failed diet attempt. But after the first 2 weeks my energy returned, my brain fog disappeared, I was no longer distracted by thoughts of food, and I was losing weight. If you're anything like me and struggle with your weight, if you've tried everything and want to give up, if you want to get healthy and feel vibrant and amazing just about every day, this book is for you!"
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Best Attention Deficit & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Driven to Distraction (Revised): Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder
Groundbreaking and comprehensive, Driven to Distraction has been a lifeline to the approximately eighteen million Americans who are thought to have ADHD. Wise, practical, and reassuring.” —Jane M. Healy, Ph.D., author of Endangered Minds and Different Learners “The first comprehensive book on the subject for the lay reader.” — The Boston Globe.
"The stories it pulls from other peoples experiences really helps you get an idea of how you fall into the spectrum."
"Truly excellent book for any person with ADD or with a family member with the condition."
"Well written and informative."
"Eye opening..... makes you feel somewhat normal to hear others stories."
"Makes you feel less crazy and all alone."
"This book is helping me realize how adult ADD has been detrimental to my growth and progress in every day life."
"Dr. Hallowell stresses in his book how dramatically the disorder can negatively affect one's life and how important treatment is — yet he presents vastly outdated information and pretends it's new, doing a great disservice to ADHD sufferers like myself who want to heal."
"Honestly there was nothing in this book that I didn’t already know."
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