
Best Legal Education Profession

1L of a Ride: A Well-Traveled Professor's Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School (Career Guides)
Assigned as required or recommended reading at law schools throughout the country, 1L of a Ride provides a candid, comprehensive roadmap to both academic and emotional success in law school’s crucial first year.
"Backed by empirical evidence as well as student testimonials, you see the real, objective side of what it's like during the first year of law school."
"This book is an amazing read for that period between been admitted and actually starling law school. I would certainly recommend it to anyone who's about to start, or considering, law school."
"As I enter 3L year, I still find myself going back to this book for advice and guidance."
"I was business major who decided late senior year to go to law school, with no real background or knowledge of anything relating to the legal profession."
"If you are going to law school or know someone who is, get them this book."
"I start law school in a few months so I can't remark on the accuracy of what he says, but as someone preparing for law school I found it useful."
"I didn't do everything this book recommended, but the directives for a successful first year helped me keep my eye on the prize and do what I needed to do to be successful."
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Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining: America's Toughest Family Court Judge Speaks Out
Now she abandons all judicial restraint in a scathing critique of the system – filled with realistic hard–nosed alternatives to our bloated welfare bureaucracy and our soft–on–crime laws. Besides decrying particular scams and abuses (bad foster care, child custody battles, judges who decide on political rather than human considerations, private social service providers who fleece public funds, miscreants who claim they themselves are victims, etc.
"this is not what i had hoped for."
"Funny but yet real life."
"I love Judge Judy and her non-nonsense attitude."
"Sad, True, funny, well written book."
"A great book filled with wisdom and education."
"I'm not as tough as Judge Judy but I agree with her principles: good value system, being smart, disciplined."
"the book is very readable but it's very old and yellowed."
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Introduction to Paralegalism: Perspectives, Problems and Skills
Master the hands-on skills you'll need to succeed in a modern law office with INTRODUCTION TO PARALEGALISM, 8e. I emphasize legal research and legal writing in all four of my classes, and the research and writing sections of this book are excellent. It is challenging to teach the skills of legal research and writing to my web students because I cannot take them to the university law library, as I do with my traditional classroom students. This book's sections on legal research and writing are so well organized easy to understand that even distance-learning students can use it to independently practice those skill sets.
"I rented it, but will end up buying it as it has so much more information than I could possibly remember and I'll use it as a reference."
"Superbly written textbook with all kinds of extras such as a seeking work notebook and more."
"It was a required textbook for my Intro to Paralegal class and it is an even better desk reference for my Paralegal job."
"Loved the flexibility of this seller..."
"In great shape."
"The book was upside down and backwards reglued to the spine and water damaged."
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Best Law Office Education

The Anxious Lawyer: An 8-Week Guide to a Joyful and Satisfying Law Practice Through Mindfulness and Meditation
They. experienced how meditation and mindfulness practices support a more effective and enjoyable legal practice. The program includes: ·. Instruction on a number of simple meditation techniques. ·. Concrete guidance for establishing a daily meditation and mindfulness practice. ·. Exercises designed to give the reader practical experience in bringing the insights of meditation and mindfulness to meeting the challenges of daily life - and particularly of legal practice. ·. Practical examples of how mindfulness and meditation can help to cultivate a more joyful and satisfying law practice. ·. Discussion of scientific research on the effects of meditation and what the evidence shows about its benefits. ·. Practical tools, including access to guided meditations and worksheets that allow the reader to track his or her progress. This book will provide a straightforward introduction to meditation and mindfulness using language and examples that will be familiar and comfortable to those in the legal community. Often presented in a way that feels artificial and inaccessible, it seems antithetical to a culture that places great value on logic and reason. This book will appeal to lawyers because it is premised on the clear and scientific principle that the brain, like the body, can be trained and optimized to perform better.
"I have been dabbling in mindfulness exercises for awhile now, and while i think breathing exercises are immediately helpful, find mindfulness lingo hard to interpret."
"But with Jeena's and Karen's guidance and encouragement, and real life examples of their struggles as practicing lawyers, it makes it easier to trust their guidance and follow along."
"Excellent material on meditation for Type A personalities."
"A book written by lawyers for lawyers teaching how meditation and mindfulness can alleviate the stress lawyers feel on a daily basis in their professional and personal lives."
"As someone who was recommended mindfulness and meditation to manage stress, I tried many other books on the topics. I highly recommend this book to anyone struggling to find a meditation practice, but especially to other lawyers who may be struggling with the same stress."
"Unfortunately, many lawyers wear our stress and “busy-ness” as a badge of pride and often say things like “there are never times when I’m not thinking.”. If you’re a lawyer and that describes you, you should consider reading The Anxious Lawyer – an empathetic book on mindfulness and meditation written by two successful lawyers, Jeena Cho and Karen Gifford. As someone who started practicing yoga and meditation in my 20’s, I often felt that the books I read on meditation were written by ethereal yogis who had no idea how stressful and demanding it was to practice law. There’s a quote from Autobiography of a Yogi that succinctly summed up my fundamental difficulty with meditation: “You may control a mad elephant; You may shut the mouth of the bear and the tiger; Ride the lion and play with the cobra; By alchemy you may learn your livelihood; You may wander through the universe incognito; Make vassals of the gods; be ever youthful; You may walk in water and live in fire; But control of the mind is better and more difficult.”. Since lawyers always want to be “in control,” the idea of consciously setting aside precious time each day to explore a practice where we deliberately let go of our thoughts, will seem counter-intuitive to many lawyers."
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Best One-L

1L of a Ride, A Well-Traveled Professor's Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School (Career Guides)
Assigned as required or recommended reading at law schools throughout the country, 1L of a Ride provides a candid, comprehensive roadmap to both academic and emotional success in law school’s crucial first year.
"Backed by empirical evidence as well as student testimonials, you see the real, objective side of what it's like during the first year of law school."
"This book is an amazing read for that period between been admitted and actually starling law school. I would certainly recommend it to anyone who's about to start, or considering, law school."
"As I enter 3L year, I still find myself going back to this book for advice and guidance."
"I was business major who decided late senior year to go to law school, with no real background or knowledge of anything relating to the legal profession."
"If you are going to law school or know someone who is, get them this book."
"I start law school in a few months so I can't remark on the accuracy of what he says, but as someone preparing for law school I found it useful."
"I didn't do everything this book recommended, but the directives for a successful first year helped me keep my eye on the prize and do what I needed to do to be successful."
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Best Legal Education Writing

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation
Presents a guide for lawyers for constructing citations, covering the format of citations from a variety of legal sources, including court cases, statutes, books, periodicals, electronic media, and international documents.
"Huge upgrade from my previous 16th edition."
"Needed books for my class, this came in near perfect condition!!!"
"There’s some unclear topics, like the use of ellipses, but still very helpful!"
"Purchase book for school."
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Best Legal Education Annotations & Citations

Insurance Law and Regulation (University Casebook Series)
This casebook, which has been used as the principal text in more than one hundred law schools, contains extensive material on insurance contract formation and interpretation; insurance regulation; insurable interest and liability for bad-faith breach; property, health, life, and disability insurance; commercial general liability and directors & officers liability insurance; auto insurance; and reinsurance.
"Good book, had to get it for school."
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Best Legal Test Preparation

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
People with a fixed mindset —those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset —those who believe that abilities can be developed. She introduces a phenomenon she calls false growth mindset and guides people toward adopting a deeper, truer growth mindset. “If you manage people or are a parent (which is a form of managing people), drop everything and read Mindset .” —Guy Kawasaki, author of The Art of the Start 2.0. She is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences, and has won nine lifetime achievement awards for her research.
"The book is valuable for its conceit: that there are two types of mind-sets; the growth and the fixed. It's an informational book, but not a great book."
"However, most of the book seems to focus on discussing the difference between "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset" applied to different fields. It is like the author uses the entire book to emphasize how important "growth mindset" is but doesn't really offer much help."
"A common sense and proven approach, which I recommend to parents, coaches, teachers and business leaders."
"It is a compilation of a century of studying patterns of attitudes that have created champions and happiness in lives from every sector of life."
"its ok, nothing earth shattering in the book, but for those who need the message, read it!"
"Interesting but to Many repetitions and the examples Where not specific enogh. Could be interesting if we were given more precise info on how to keep The mindset if there are obstacles. A positive mindset can be Hard to maintain in a competitive environment or When experiencing personal problems or negative obstructing persons. A positive mindset may not be The cure for every problem in real life."
"The other side views all challenges as a learning experience while exhibiting cooperative strategies and tactics."
"Dweck preaches the power of hard work and it's effectiveness."
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