
Best Online Internet Searching

Howl's Moving Castle
To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. In a career spanning four decades, award-winning author Diana Wynne Jones (1934‒2011) wrote more than forty books of fantasy for young readers.
"This is an easy read for any age, but not because it's light on story - DWJ writes with an understated imagination that creates a rich world while making it look effortless."
"The characters and story line are complex and keep you guessing."
"This is a fantasy tale about a witch and a magician and the little girl who gets caught in the middle of their struggle to the death."
"The Story Goes... Actual rating: 4.5 stars. Three words to describe this book; Whimsical, hilarious, magical. I really really loved this book, it was magical and funny and adorable and it had such an oddly cute romance, I just feel like gushing about it on and on but I will attempt to hold myself back. One day will working in her hat shop Sophie is cursed by the Witch Of The Waste and turned into an old lady...yeah."
"Some of the characters were removed or combined to make the movie flow better, I guess, but I really like Michael, the eternal gentleman that just kind of became Howl's apprentice on a whim and the sisters that are more elaborated upon."
"I am a HUGE Miyazaki fan so I love the Studio Ghibli movie Howl's Moving Castle."
"I was very happy to stumble upon this while browsing through possible books to buy for my daughter."
"As we read the story, he liked how Howl could make different places appear by turning the knob and opening the door."
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Grokking Algorithms: An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people
Grokking Algorithms is a fully illustrated, friendly guide that teaches you how to apply common algorithms to the practical problems you face every day as a programmer. You'll start with sorting and searching and, as you build up your skills in thinking algorithmically, you'll tackle more complex concerns such as data compression and artificial intelligence. In it, you'll learn how to apply common algorithms to the practical programming problems you face every day. Covers search, sort, and graph algorithms Over 400 pictures with detailed walkthroughs Performance trade-offs between algorithms Python-based code samples. Introduction to algorithms Selection sort Recursion Quicksort Hash tables Breadth-first search Dijkstra's algorithm Greedy algorithms Dynamic programming K-nearest neighbors.
"Just my opinion - I thought it was a little too advanced for a "true" beginner (i.e. at 53 going back to school full time for CS after gulp 30 yrs)."
"The author explains algorithms in a way that is memorable and very clear."
"The guide is a perfect " fit" in clearing a few matters for me."
"Great introduction to algorithms and data structures."
"Aditya Bhargava's smooth writing and approachable illustrations, however, bring quick clarity to such concepts as why linked lists may be better than arrays in some situations, and vice versa, or why recursion may be better than while loops in some situations, but not all."
"Great book."
"Great read so far."
"I wanted a quick refresher on algorithms and found this book to be extremely helpful."
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SEO Fitness Workbook: 2018 Edition: The Seven Steps to Search Engine Optimization Success on Google
Jason speaks in simple English and uses the metaphor of The Seven Steps to SEO Fitness to explain to you how to 'get SEO fit.'. Goals : Define Your SEO Goals Keywords : Identify Winnable, High Value SEO Keywords On Page SEO : Optimize Your Website to 'Speak Google' via Page Tabs, your home page, and structural elements Content Marketing : Learn to produce content that pleases Google and your customers Off Page SEO : Build links, leverage social media, and go local. Check out the other 2018 SEO Books on Amazon - SEO For Dummies , SEO for Growth , SEO Book , SEO Like I'm 5 etc., - they're great, they're good, but they don't include powerful step-by-step worksheets, links to online videos, and the free SEO Toolbook with hundreds of free tools for search engine optimization 2018. Listed on many SEO book lists as one of the best books SEO books of 2018 as well as a best SEO book for beginners. ~ Alexandra Hager. In Sept. and Oct. 2016, I took Jason's SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Ad Words, and Social Media Marketing online class series. However, since SEO, Ad Words, and Social Media live on the internet, watching Jason walk through everything in an online format works really well. He demonstrates this through his exhaustive list of resources that he shares in his classes as well as his expert, insider tips about internet marketing that you cannot get from Google. The book grew out of my class at Stanford University's Continuing Studies Program, "Marketing without Money."
"SEO Fitness Workbook: 2017 Edition: The Seven Steps to Search Engine Optimization Success on Google. I'm glad I've got this handy SEO Book, it's my go-to guide for reference on SEO best practices."
"Whether you are a marketing professional, web developer, content writer or a business owner wanting to understand SEO, this is a great book to include in your library of knowledge!"
"I found the book a bit repetitious at times, and would prefer a shorter version, Still I won't take a star off."
"My goal is to be a small business owner and reducing the SEO to seven understandable steps relieves a small part of the business but also an important one."
"Off page SEO and On page SEO along with all of the other information to tie everything together."
"I haven't yet taken the time to do the exercises, because I wanted to get an overview, but I am looking forward to doing them.We are a highly non technical company populated by older folks who come from textile manufacturing and marketing."
"I write content for blogs and websites, so instead of Keeping Up with the Joneses, I have to Keep Up with the Search Engines. I could just throw up my hands in frustration and surrender. Good thing they are digital, because as often as I refer back to them, I'd wear the paper versions out in short order. The Kindle price was $9.99....imagine having a truly expert SEO person on hand 24/7 to answer questions, demonstrate SEO websites that return meaningful analysis of your content and SEO efforts, and provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step How To's on every aspect of SEO excellence. His sense of humor makes learning the oft times tedious material a load of fun."
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Best Search Engine Optimization

SEO Fitness Workbook: 2018 Edition: The Seven Steps to Search Engine Optimization Success on Google
Jason speaks in simple English and uses the metaphor of The Seven Steps to SEO Fitness to explain to you how to 'get SEO fit.'. Goals : Define Your SEO Goals Keywords : Identify Winnable, High Value SEO Keywords On Page SEO : Optimize Your Website to 'Speak Google' via Page Tabs, your home page, and structural elements Content Marketing : Learn to produce content that pleases Google and your customers Off Page SEO : Build links, leverage social media, and go local. Check out the other 2018 SEO Books on Amazon - SEO For Dummies , SEO for Growth , SEO Book , SEO Like I'm 5 etc., - they're great, they're good, but they don't include powerful step-by-step worksheets, links to online videos, and the free SEO Toolbook with hundreds of free tools for search engine optimization 2018. Listed on many SEO book lists as one of the best books SEO books of 2018 as well as a best SEO book for beginners. Author Jason McDonald has been active on the Internet since 1994 and has taught SEO, AdWords, and Social Media since 2009 – online, at Stanford University Continuing Studies, at both AcademyX and the Bay Area Video Coalition in San Francisco, at workshops, and in corporate trainings across these United States.
"SEO Fitness Workbook: 2017 Edition: The Seven Steps to Search Engine Optimization Success on Google. I'm glad I've got this handy SEO Book, it's my go-to guide for reference on SEO best practices."
"Whether you are a marketing professional, web developer, content writer or a business owner wanting to understand SEO, this is a great book to include in your library of knowledge!"
"I found the book a bit repetitious at times, and would prefer a shorter version, Still I won't take a star off."
"My goal is to be a small business owner and reducing the SEO to seven understandable steps relieves a small part of the business but also an important one."
"Off page SEO and On page SEO along with all of the other information to tie everything together."
"I haven't yet taken the time to do the exercises, because I wanted to get an overview, but I am looking forward to doing them.We are a highly non technical company populated by older folks who come from textile manufacturing and marketing."
"I write content for blogs and websites, so instead of Keeping Up with the Joneses, I have to Keep Up with the Search Engines. I could just throw up my hands in frustration and surrender. Good thing they are digital, because as often as I refer back to them, I'd wear the paper versions out in short order. The Kindle price was $9.99....imagine having a truly expert SEO person on hand 24/7 to answer questions, demonstrate SEO websites that return meaningful analysis of your content and SEO efforts, and provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step How To's on every aspect of SEO excellence. His sense of humor makes learning the oft times tedious material a load of fun."
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Best Business Marketing

Fanatical Prospecting: The Ultimate Guide to Opening Sales Conversations and Filling the Pipeline by Leveraging Social Selling, Telephone, Email, Text, and Cold Calling
Learn how to keep the pipeline full of qualified opportunities and avoid debilitating sales slumps by leveraging a balanced prospecting methodology across multiple prospecting channels. Why the 30-Day Rule is critical for keeping the pipeline full Why understanding the Law of Replacement is the key to avoiding sales slumps How to leverage the Law of Familiarity to reduce prospecting friction and avoid rejection The 5 C’s of Social Selling and how to use them to get prospects to call you How to use the simple 5 Step Telephone Framework to get more appointments fast How to double call backs with a powerful voice mail technique How to leverage the powerful 4 Step Email Prospecting Framework to create emails that compel prospects to respond How to get text working for you with the 7 Step Text Message Prospecting Framework And there is so much more! “In Fanatical Prospecting, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do right now to open more sales conversations, fill your pipeline, and put a lot more money in your pocket. If you want to understand exactly what it takes to be successful in sales this is the book for you .” John Spence, author of Awesomely Simple and one of the top 100 business thought leaders in the world. Blount explains core principles of prospecting in a story-telling style that begs you to write in the margins and put your own action plan into place.
"Noticing the book was #1 on Amazon’s telemarketing best seller list, I ordered a copy and began reading with an open mind. The book, especially at the beginning and the very end, is about 50% standard sales motivation content covering well-trodden material like the amygdala/lizard brain, Amy Cuddy’s TED talk on body language, etc. Knowing that activity takes 90+ days to pay off, successful salespeople relentlessly fill their pipeline through a mixture of telephone, in-person, e-mail, social selling, text messaging, referrals, networking, inbound leads, trade shows, and cold calling. “Top performers organize their day into distinct time blocks dedicated to specific activities, concentrating their focus and eliminating distractions within those blocks… We schedule our prospecting blocks [on our calendars] into three “Power Hours” that are spread across the day—morning, midday, and afternoon.”. 4. For this reason, the social channel is better suited to building familiarity, lead nurturing, research, nuanced inbound prospecting, and trigger-event awareness.”. 7. “The feeling of rejection happens the moment you get a reflex response, brush-off, or objection (RBO)… Overcoming doesn't work. The key is a disruptive statement or question that turns them around so that they lean toward you rather than move away from away from you… When they say they're busy, instead of arguing them into how you will only take a little bit of their time, say, “I figured you would be.” Agreeing with them disrupts their thought pattern… When they say, “Just send me some information,” say, “Tell me specifically what you are looking for.” This calls their bluff and forces engagement… When they say, “I'm not interested,” say, “That makes sense."
"I bought this book hoping to find information on many forms of prospecting, and how to bring it all together into a structure. With 320 pages, I felt for sure there would be a chapter on bringing it all together, like 'A day in the life of a fanatical prospector', to give the reader a sample framework in which to form a basis to change how they prospect. That's what I needed, as I'm pretty good with scripting, but my overall time management and flow of the multiple prospecting mediums sucks. An additional note: I'm getting a little frustrated with the fact that there are more and more books loaded with compensated reviewers on Amazon."
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Best Direct Marketing

Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords: How to Access 100 Million People in 10 Minutes (Ultimate Series)
Powerful bidding strategies using remarketing lists for search ads New ad extension features Automation capabilities using AdWords scripts Bonus Online Content that includes links to dozens of resources and tutorials covering: registering a domain name, setting up a website, selecting an email service, choosing a shopping cart service, finding products to sell, and starting up an Google AdWords account Readers are given the latest information paired with current screenshots, fresh examples, and new techniques. Perry Marshall is the number-one author and worlds most-quoted consultant on Google advertising.
"I had recently hired an Adwords consultant for $500 a month to run the Adwords for my small bookkeeping business. To my horror, one month into the process I discovered that one of the ads they had written used the word "booking" instead of "bookkeeping". Nothing gave me the kind of practical, comprehensive, step-by-step breakdown of the platform that I needed to confidently manage the platform on my own."
"Amazing book by Perry Marshall."
"Reading this book helped me realize what I have been doing correctly so far, but also how much money I have been wasting on Google ads."
"Loving this book already."
"great book but needs hand on experience to undertand."
"I am a first-timer on Google Adwords, the book to me is easy to read and very practical without too much technical jargon."
"Excellent and comprehensive."
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Best Website Analytics

Learning Google AdWords and Google Analytics
Learning Google AdWords and Google Analytics is going to launch and advance thousands of successful careers in digital advertising and digital analytics around the world. Learning Google AdWords and Google Analytics covers both fundamental Google AdWords and Google Analytics topics, as well as more detailed technical set up for more experienced users.
"Without Analytics, Adwords is limited."
"It doesn't matter whether you're an experienced user, or just a novice, Ben's writing style caters for all levels of experience."
"No matter your skill level with Adwords & Analytics, this is a great asset to have."
"Nice book about AdWords and Analytics for beginners."
"It's good , for beginning in Google I would like to know of this author have more versions or 2 parts or more books."
"Good read for those that are learning or want additional insights."
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Best Social Media for Business

Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley
Liar’s Poker meets The Social Network in an irreverent exposé of life inside the tech bubble, from industry provocateur Antonio García Martínez, a former Twitter advisor, Facebook product manager and startup founder/CEO. He also fathered two children with a woman he barely knew, committed lewd acts and brewed illegal beer on the Facebook campus (accidentally flooding Zuckerberg's desk), lived on a sailboat, raced sport cars on the 101, and enthusiastically pursued the life of an overpaid Silicon Valley wastrel. Weighing in on everything from startups and credit derivatives to Big Brother and data tracking, social media monetization and digital “privacy,” García Martínez shares his scathing observations and outrageous antics, taking us on a humorous, subversive tour of the fascinatingly insular tech industry. Chaos Monkeys lays bare the hijinks, trade secrets, and power plays of the visionaries, grunts, sociopaths, opportunists, accidental tourists, and money cowboys who are revolutionizing our world.
"Facebook very carefully maintains a public relations campaign (almost more internally focused than external) to convince the world it is the best place to work… ever. It is all here… the creepy propaganda, the failed high-profile projects, the surreal manager/staff relationships, the cultivated cult-like atmosphere, the sharp divide between the have-it-all, and the "hope to have enough to escape" staff. Best of all it describes how the advertising media really operates, going back to the dawn of it, and how Facebook, Google, et al are merely extensions of a system that has existed for two centuries. For myself, having lived through much of the same experience at Facebook (from onboarding, the devotion, the cynicism, to the inglorious, frustrated exit bungled by one of the legion of Facebook's incompetent and narcissistic manager corps) I found myself going from laughter, to nodding agreement, to gut-wrenching bouts of PTSD as I turned the pages of 'Chaos Monkeys'. Now I no longer have to justify myself to people who ask me why I left Facebook - I can just tell them to read this book, since it explains it better than I ever could."
"If anything, the vivid metaphors he uses to describe the otherwise dull and esoteric details of identity matching and attribution will serve you well anytime you must summon a complete picture of this complex web in your head. Even non-specialists will find fascinating the descriptions of how private data is collected and sold, not to mention probably realizing they have been worried about the wrong kind of privacy violations. His detailed accounts of many of these meetings (confrontations) offer a unique behind-the-scenes vantage which many manuals for silicon valley success avoid, so the authors can remain in good stead with the figures involved. In reality, the unspoken “hard” part of any startup is not the actual hours involved, or the idea, or execution, but rather the unwavering conviction you must have to keep at it when things are totally falling apart. Every entrepreneur will immediately recognize what Antonio unabashedly portrays: the dreadful gulf between the inward awareness of all the chaos and flux at the startup, while preserving the outward image of polish, order and optimism. While I wouldn’t necessarily advocate “praying for Antonio’s soul,” as a previous reviewer stated, his relentless self-deprecation and raw honesty balance out some of the selfish decisions he makes in the book. He is extremely well read, and I suspect this background informs a somewhat tragic theme of the book— for a certain type of person, the only hope that can lift the cynicism and misanthropy of early life disappointment is to undergo a meaningful quest with loyal companions."
"I'm sure a lot of people are going to get hung up on some offhand sexist comments or the dirt thrown at Facebook's execs (and I'm sure that Martinez could have avoided both while keeping the book interesting)."
"I highly recommend this book if you have ever worked with or for a startup, are thinking of founding your own startup, or are simply curious about life in the Silicon Valley."
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Best Software Design Tools

A Smarter Way to Learn HTML & CSS: Learn it faster. Remember it longer.
Using the Smarter Way to Learn method, you actually learn HTML/CSS, you don’t just read about it. Read the reviews that call The Smarter Way of learning fun, involving, frustration-free, and confidence-building. Then, if you want to go beyond reading about HTML & CSS and actually learn the skills, do it the smarter way.
"I did learn a long ago version of HTML from the ground up, but since then, I haven't studied the newer versions in detail, just used the features without really exploring all their details. Not only do the exercises make learning fun, they reinforce the material right away so it sinks in deeper."
"I purchased the book, A Smarter Way to Learn HTML & CSS, and then to my surprise it came also on my Samsung Galaxy Tablet for free."
"As the course progresses, material from previous chapters is used repeatedly in the chapter tests so that the material remains fresh. After completing the javascript course, I was working towards an exam in Mongo DB and I was able to put my new-found javascript knowledge to great use for that class."
"Mark Myers' method of getting what can be--at times--difficult information into a format that makes it exponentially easier to consume, truly understand, and synthesize into real-world application is beyond anything I've encountered before."
"I definitely recommend this book to those looking for a great learning experience, especially to those who struggle with the average educational read."
"I am amazed at what Mark Myers has been able to accomplish with his Smarter Way to Learn books. Specifically, in the HTML and CSS book, he has given you exercises at the end of each chapter so you can build your own (admittedly ugly) webpage. Mr. Myers has been helpful throughout, whenever I needed guidance or had a question."
"Thanks Mark, for writing this book."
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Best Social Media Guides

The True Story of Fake News: How Mainstream Media Manipulates Millions
You will see the powerful and deceptive methods of manipulation that affect us all, as numerous organizations and political activists cunningly plot to have their stories seen, heard, and believed by as many people as possible. The depths of lies, distortions, and omissions from traditional mainstream media will shock you; and now they’re colluding with the top tech companies trying to maintain their information monopolies. Mark's YouTube channel has over 1 million subscribers and more than 400 million views, and his viral videos have been mentioned on the Fox News Channel, CNN, the Drudge Report, TMZ, the New York Daily News , the Washington Times , and other media outlets around the world.
"I believe a person that is not ready to be awakened may experience severe soul pain and Mark forgot to put "Trigger warning" on the cover but still I believe for awakened people this is going to be great laugh and joy to read pages and see how death of media complex is unravelling and humanity awakening while people that still caught in nets of news manipulators may feel really bad but after few weeks I believe healing effects of truth will be refreshing."
"The book mentions how our leftists media is trying to persuade us to accept insanity like there being more than 2 genders, and how the media is pushing fake hate crimes committed by leftists in attempt to frame Trump supporters as Nazis,white Supremacists,KKK members, and racist."
"A lot of people don't know history and how much the media has been involved with the CIA and FBI and the rest of our federal gov't to create stories, manipulate events, etc."
"The news media has become so untrustworthy, the majority of sane Americans have seen this before even reading Marks book!"
"Great book and well written!!!!"
"Excellent book; this will not disappoint."
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Best Tech Culture & Computer Literacy

Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are
By the end of an average day in the early twenty-first century, human beings searching the internet will amass eight trillion gigabytes of data. Everybody Lies offers fascinating, surprising, and sometimes laugh-out-loud insights into everything from economics to ethics to sports to race to sex, gender and more, all drawn from the world of big data. With conclusions ranging from strange-but-true to thought-provoking to disturbing, he explores the power of this digital truth serum and its deeper potential—revealing biases deeply embedded within us, information we can use to change our culture, and the questions we’re afraid to ask that might be essential to our health—both emotional and physical. “Brimming with intriguing anecdotes and counterintuitive facts, Stephens-Davidowitz does his level best to help usher in a new age of human understanding, one digital data point at a time.” ( Fortune , Best New Business Books). “ Freakonomics on steroids—this book shows how big data can give us surprising new answers to important and interesting questions. Drawing on a wide variety of revelatory sources, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz will make you cringe, chuckle, and wince at the people you thought we were.” (Christian Rudder, author of Dataclysm ). “A tour de force—a well-written and entertaining journey through big data that, along the way, happens to put forward an important new perspective on human behavior itself. What he found is that Internet search data might be the Holy Grail when it comes to understanding the true nature of humanity.” ( New York Post ). “ Everybody Lies is an astoundingly clever and mischievous exploration of what big data tells us about everyday life. The empirical findings in Everybody Lies are so intriguing that the book would be a page-turner even if it were structured as a mere laundry list.” (The Economist). A book for those who are intensely curious about human nature, informational analysis, and amusing anecdotes to the tune of Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner’s Freakanomics.” ( Library Journal ). In this groundbreaking work, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a Harvard-trained economist, former Google data scientist, and New York Times writer, argues that much of what we thought about people has been dead wrong. New data from the internet—the traces of information that billions of people leave on Google, social media, dating, and even pornography sites—finally reveals the truth. Everybody Lies combines the informed analysis of Nate Silver’s TheSignal and the Noise, the storytelling of Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, and the wit and fun of Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner’s Freakonomics in a book that will change the way you view the world.
"The basic thesis of "Everybody Lies" is that online data on human behavior, including Google searches and data from Facebook, shopping and pornographic sites, can reveal much about what we really think than data from surveys in which people might be too embarrassed to tell the truth. What has allowed us to access this pool of unguarded opinions and truckloads of data concerning human behavior is the Internet and the tools of "big" data. As the author puts it, this data is not just "big" but also "new", which means that the kind of data we can access is also quite different from what we are used to; in his words, we live in a world where every sneeze, cough, internet purchase, political opinion, and evening run can be considered "data". Generally speaking there is quite an emphasis on exploring human sexuality in the book, partly because sexuality is one of those aspects of our life that we wish to hide the most and are also pruriently interested in, and partly because investigating this data through Google searches and pornographic sites reveals some rather bizarre sexual preference that are also sometimes specific to one country or another. Based on Google searches in particular states, the author shows how racism (as indicated by racist Google searches) was a primary indicator of which states voted for Obama in the 2008 election and Trump in the 2016 election. The primary tool for doing all this data analysis is correlation or regression analysis, where you look at online searches and try to find correlations between certain terms and factors like geographic location, gender, ethnicity. There are tons of other amusing and informative studies - sometimes the author's own but more often other people's - that reveal human desires and behavior across a wide swathe of fields, including politics, dating, sports, education, shopping and sexuality. As the author himself acknowledges, understanding correlation is not the same as understanding causation, and it's in very few cases that a true causal relationship between people's Google searches and their true nature can be established. At the end of the day you could thus end up with a lot of data (including a lot of noise), but teasing apart the useful data points from the red herrings is a completely different matter. Secondly, it's usually quite hard to control for all possible variables that may reflect a Google search; for instance in concluding that racism contributes the most to a particular political behavior, it's very hard to tease out all other factors that also may do so, especially when you are talking about a heterogeneous collection of human beings."
"And the truths we have been telling Google on sex, racism, antisemitism, mental health and politics are coarse, frightening, disturbing, and altogether too human to ignore. Using a mountain of data from Google searches and other social media like Facebook and Twitter, Stephens-Davidowitz wrote a click-bait book full of insights on humanity based on "the most important dataset ever collected on the human psyche." The digital truth serum, as he calls Google Search data, offers a glimpse at many things social scientists dream to understand, from sexual taboos, proclivities and insecurities, to political bias in the press and latent racism hidden in searches for jokes. Also, it doesn't entirely fall prey to the Big Data a-theoretical hype; discussions on A/B testing, out-of-sample prediction and natural experiments in economics balance the correlational narrative with a good dose of causal inference, which is often missing in books that describe stuff from large data sets."
"I read it in two days. The data is the data, but the interpretation is subjective."
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Best Network Storage & Retrieval Administration

SEO Fitness Workbook: 2018 Edition: The Seven Steps to Search Engine Optimization Success on Google
Jason speaks in simple English and uses the metaphor of The Seven Steps to SEO Fitness to explain to you how to 'get SEO fit.'. Goals : Define Your SEO Goals Keywords : Identify Winnable, High Value SEO Keywords On Page SEO : Optimize Your Website to 'Speak Google' via Page Tabs, your home page, and structural elements Content Marketing : Learn to produce content that pleases Google and your customers Off Page SEO : Build links, leverage social media, and go local. Check out the other 2018 SEO Books on Amazon - SEO For Dummies , SEO for Growth , SEO Book , SEO Like I'm 5 etc., - they're great, they're good, but they don't include powerful step-by-step worksheets, links to online videos, and the free SEO Toolbook with hundreds of free tools for search engine optimization 2018. Listed on many SEO book lists as one of the best books SEO books of 2018 as well as a best SEO book for beginners. Author Jason McDonald has been active on the Internet since 1994 and has taught SEO, AdWords, and Social Media since 2009 – online, at Stanford University Continuing Studies, at both AcademyX and the Bay Area Video Coalition in San Francisco, at workshops, and in corporate trainings across these United States.
"SEO Fitness Workbook: 2017 Edition: The Seven Steps to Search Engine Optimization Success on Google. I'm glad I've got this handy SEO Book, it's my go-to guide for reference on SEO best practices."
"Whether you are a marketing professional, web developer, content writer or a business owner wanting to understand SEO, this is a great book to include in your library of knowledge!"
"I found the book a bit repetitious at times, and would prefer a shorter version, Still I won't take a star off."
"My goal is to be a small business owner and reducing the SEO to seven understandable steps relieves a small part of the business but also an important one."
"Off page SEO and On page SEO along with all of the other information to tie everything together."
"I haven't yet taken the time to do the exercises, because I wanted to get an overview, but I am looking forward to doing them.We are a highly non technical company populated by older folks who come from textile manufacturing and marketing."
"I write content for blogs and websites, so instead of Keeping Up with the Joneses, I have to Keep Up with the Search Engines. I could just throw up my hands in frustration and surrender. Good thing they are digital, because as often as I refer back to them, I'd wear the paper versions out in short order. The Kindle price was $9.99....imagine having a truly expert SEO person on hand 24/7 to answer questions, demonstrate SEO websites that return meaningful analysis of your content and SEO efforts, and provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step How To's on every aspect of SEO excellence. His sense of humor makes learning the oft times tedious material a load of fun."
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