
Best Spanish

Santa Biblia Complete Reina Valera en 64 Audio CD Plus una Reina Valera 2000 Completa-Completa en MP3 Discs-Two Complete Biblias Español Reina Valera ... para cada disco (Spanish Edition)
Esta nueva edición viene en 64 de alta calidad, alta fidelidad, CDs de audio digital e incluye una segunda completa Biblias españolas, tanto el Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo Testamento, en la fácil de entender y disfrutar de Reina Valera 2000 Version en 2 discos MP3 digitales.
"This was purchased as a gift for a friend who lost his sight recently."
"My dad loves his bible cds and plays them all of the time."
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El Secreto (The Secret) (Spanish Edition)
Durante siglos, algunos fragmentos de este Gran Secreto se han hallado en las tradiciones orales, en la literatura, en las religiones y filosofías. Escucharás las palabras de maestros contemporáneos, hombres y mujeres que han aprovechado El Secreto para gozar de buena salud, vivir en prosperidad, mantener buenas relaciones interpersonales y conocer la felicidad. Con estas vivencias, comenzarás a entender el poder oculto e inexplorado que yace dentro de ti y las verdaderas maravillas que te esperan en la vida Para vivir la versión cinemática de El Secreto, acude a www.thesecret.tv. Rhonda Byrne is the creator behind The Secret , a documentary film that swept the world in 2006, changing millions of lives and igniting a global movement.
"On time and as described."
"Me gusto que te hace pensar en el futuro y lo que influye lo que piensas ahora. Creo que la mente universal es Dios y se trata de disfrazar con la mente del hombre y que somos creadores de todo, claro que influye lo que pensamos pero también fomentar el egoísmo de hacer lo que nos hace felices a nosotros no es en realidad como se alcanza la felicidad."
"Wow, Great Quality."
"this movie is awesome, it helped me to improve myself a lot, easy to watch and understand."
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NVI Nuevo Testamento audio CD (Spanish Edition)
¡La más refinada Biblia en audio que puedas poseer!La Biblia NVI en audio es más que una Biblia para escuchar. - The New Testament in a collection of 16 CDs - Narration by a single voice, providing a clear and consistent understanding of the Bible - Each book of the Bible has a brief introduction that gives a general overview, providing a quick preparation for the listener.
"It is well organized and the comments prior to the books are very informative and helpful. The version is called "La Biblia de las Americas Nuevo Testamento en CD.""
"Also, I didn't initially like the voice of the narrator, because I have an audio in English that is so much better....but I have gotten used to it enough to continue using it."
"Being a Christian Missionary to South America and being one who is constantly trying to better my spanish I find these CD's to be outstanding references to be used with or without the NIV Bible."
"It is great for learning to understand spoken Spanish."
"The narrator speaks too quickly, without any feeling for the material, and doesn't have a pleasing voice."
"There is this sappy music in the background."
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Best Rowling, J.K.

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Spanish Edition)
"SPECIAL NOTE: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases (with the exception of changing all "Philosopher's Stone" mentions to "Sorcerer's Stone"). Good or bad is naturally for each reader to decide--just know, if you plan to read the books while listening to Jim Dale's audiobooks, you'll notice a few superficial differences. The quality of this new illustrated edition is phenomenal. All chapter intros are illustrated."
"IMPORTANT: For U.S. customers purchasing the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you will notice the text has NOT been converted to the "Americanized" version of the original U.S. releases. This difference isn't as prominent or noticeable as it was with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone, but still something to keep in mind. Also, to answer a question that has come up quite a bit, this is the FULL BOOK and not an abridged or shortened version. Underneath the book jacket, the novel is bound in a sturdy orange hardback with green lettering on the spine."
"I was ravenous to get my hands on my copy as soon as it was delivered this morning, but was quickly disappointed. But when I took a close look at my dust jacket, I was extremely upset to find that the gold foil lettering for "Harry Potter" had been rubbed away and destroyed completely in some places leaving ugly, black matte in its place-- pock marking the otherwise handsome gold lettering. Needless to say I'm in awe how Bloomsbury has managed to put together such an incredible project, with JK Rowling's remarkable literature and Jim Kay's otherworldly illustrations-- and allowed it to be put together in a low quality binding! Not all alone in a box... Update (October 9th): I have finally received my new book and it was in much, much better condition. The cover and spine were tight, intact and falling apart from the binding like my original copy."
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Best French

Harry Potter, I : Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers [Livre Audio (French Edition)
Mrs Dursley, quant à elle, était mince et blonde et disposait d'un cou deux fois plus long que la moyenne, ce qui lui était fort utile pour espionner ses voi­sins en regardant par-dessus les clôtures des jardins. En fait, Mrs Dursley faisait comme si elle était fille unique, car sa soeur et son bon à rien de mari étaient aussi éloignés que possible de tout ce qui faisait un Dursley. Les Dursley tremblaient d'épou­vante à la pensée de ce que diraient les voisins si par malheur les Potter se montraient dans leur rue. Après avoir terminé ses études secondaires, elle étudie la littérature française et la philologie à l'université d'Exeter et à la Sorbonne, à Paris. C'est en 1990 que l'idée de Harry Potter et de son école de sorciers germe dans son imagination, lors d'un voyage en train. Vivant dans une situation précaire, elle se plonge dans l'écriture de la première aventure de Harry Potter et termine la rédaction de ce manuscrit qui l'avait accompagnée de Londres à Porto, jusqu'aux cafés d'Édimbourg. J. K. Rowling a également écrit trois petits livres, dont les bénéfices sont reversés à des organisations caritatives, et qui sont comme des ouvrages authentiques sortis tout droit de la bibliothèque de Poudlard : Les Animaux fantastiques, Le Quidditch à travers les âges et Les Contes de Beedle le Barde. Après un OBE (Order of the British Empire, ordre de chevalerie du système honorifique britannique) pour ses services rendus à la littérature enfantine, J. K. Rowling a reçu de nombreux prix et décorations, notamment le prix Prince des Asturies de la Concorde, la Légion d'Honneur française et le prix Hans Christian Andersen.
"Ugh yes."
"Very nice to find the book in French at a reasonable price."
"My daughter was very excited to be able to practice reading French with one of her favorite books, thanks."
"I've read this book in english and spanish."
"practicing my french by reading this book, some words are hard to translate into english as they are basically no ordinary words in the first place, where in the dictionary is muggle that gets translated into something completely different."
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Best Language Instruction

Living Language Spanish, Complete Edition
At the core of Complete Spanish is the Living Language Method™, based on linguistic science, proven techniques, and over 65 years of experience. • 3 Books: 46 lessons, additional review exercises, culture notes, an extensive glossary, and a grammar summary—plus a bonus notebook. • 9 Audio CDs: Vocabulary, dialogues, audio exercises, and more—listen while using the books or use for review on the go. • Free Online Learning: Flashcards, games, and interactive quizzes for each lesson at www.livinglanguage.com/languagelab. Living Language has been a proven and effective language learning instruction for over 65 years.
"To get 9 CDs and 3+ books for $28 is just an unbelievable bargain especially compared to big-name systems which, ironically, consistently get poor reviews and cost much, much more. The main advantage of the Duolingo course is that it is interactive -- you have to type in answers and if you get too many wrong, you have to repeat the lesson. Another thing is that listening to spoken Spanish and reading it at the same doubles your learning capacity as aural and visual input are stored in different parts of the brain and subsequently reinforce each other."
"In contrast to my high school German, I was clearly at my own pace with this study, and I proceeded at one lesson each week, regardless of how easy some seemed (with the exception of numbers, which went more quickly). That being said, if you are not keen on the subjunctive mood, indirect object pronouns and similar grammatical elements as such, the books provide brief descriptions of each as they are encountered."
"I had previously purchased Rosetta Stone which provides no workbooks and the online access costs $14 per month or $89 per year....this after you pay a premium price for something that is no better than this product."
"However, I decided to leave this feedback since Living Language really has to be appreciated for their great method of teaching, their great service and their great price that is very affordable."
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