
Best Test Flash Cards

500 Essential Words: GRE Vocabulary Flash Cards (Manhattan Prep GRE Strategy Guides)
Manhattan Prep's GRE Vocabulary Flash Cards go above and beyond other GRE flash cards on the market. In 2000, Teach for America alumnus and Yale graduate Zeke Vanderhoek had a radical idea: students learn better from better teachers.
"I used both the Manhattans 500 Essential Words Flash Cards 500 Essential Words: GRE Vocabulary Flash Cards as well as the Manhattan 500 Advanced Words Flash Cards 500 Advanced Words: GRE Vocabulary Flash Cards. I found Barron's Essential Words for the GRE book Essential Words for the GRE (Barron's GRE) to be a good source for this, although I'm sure you can find these same root words in the Kaplan or related books as well. One last note about learning root words: they will also help to strengthen and reinforce the vocab words you already know or are learning from both sets of the Manhattan cards. Here is my preferred list of books, in order: Kaplan New GRE Verbal Workbook. New GRE Verbal Workbook (Kaplan GRE). While I usually don't like Kaplan as a company (and I have not used any of their other books), I *would* highly recommend using their verbal workbook as there seems to be a good amount of practice problems and they seem similar to what you might see on the GRE. Secondly, I did use the Barron's GRE Verbal Workbook Barron's GRE Verbal Workbook and while I found it useful for it's large amount of practice problems, I found some of the vocab words used as answers were less common that what I saw either on the GRE or on other practice problems and practice tests. For Kaplan, you have to purchase the Kaplan Premiere GRE review book to get the disc with access to 10 verbal practice tests and 10 quantitative practice tests."
"These cards come in a box with a metal ring so that you could put those cards in the ring ."
"I looked at all kinds of different GRE vocab media, including flash card and activity apps, website vocab learning quizzes, and different books which took an incredible variety of approaches, including dictionary-like, thesaurus-like, grouping words by category, and activities getting you to absorb the meaning from context clues. I definitely recommend making the piles I talked about if you tend to get discouraged or anxious...it's a constant visual reminder of exactly where you are and how far you've come. In short, I highly recommend getting these and the 500 Advanced Words sets in printed (vs. digital) format so that you can sort them. The cards are high quality with great example sentences, comparisons, synonyms, roots, and even silly hints that can help you remember complicated words."
"I think if you learned all the flash cards in the set, you could probably score around 90 percentile (given you did well on the other verbal questions as well)."
"It has a key ring, tell you how to sound out the word, gives you sentences with the word in it and on some, gives you the root word."
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Barron's ACT Flash Cards, 2nd Edition: 410 Flash Cards to Help You Achieve a Higher Score
The cards cover all five sections of the ACT and are divided into categories that reflect the ACTâs test areas: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. Cards for each section are filled with test-taking tips and strategies, important facts, and practice problems that mirror questions on the ACT.
"As a Junior who recently took the ACT for the first time 3 weeks ago, I deeply regret not buying this product sooner. I have purchased two books on the ACT that gives you walkthroughs and real practice test, but they don't compare to these cards. The order is the way you are tested on the ACT: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing (optional)."
"my daughter used these for the month before taking the ACT."
"Perfect set of flash cards for my daughter who is preparing to take her ACT test soon."
"Good cards."
"It is a great tool to use on an everyday basis when you are in "testing" mode to add to your base knowledge."
"Super helpful for the test!"
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Basic Sight Words Flash Cards, Ages 6 - 9
Flash cards are an excellent way to introduce new skills, reinforce memorization, and support good study habits. Enter your model number to make sure this fits.
"Pretty good list of words."
"I love the sentences on the back more than anything."
"Good flash cards."
"Excellent product and service!"
"very helpful and fun to use."
"These are perfect ... use every day with grandson in kindergarten seems to be right in line with his sight word assignments."
"The most difficult word in the entire pack is "please" and it's the only word with 6 letters. I have an older child and when he was in 3rd grade, they gave him much more difficult words."
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Best Study Guides

ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide: TEAS 6 Complete Study Manual, Full-Length Practice Tests, Review Video Tutorials for the Test of Essential Academic Skills, Sixth Edition
ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants ace the Test of Essential Academic Skills, Sixth Edition. Not only does it provide a comprehensive study manual for the TEAS 6 as a whole, it is the only guide that provides three full-length practice tests with detailed explanations of each answer and 74 video tutorials to help you review. A thorough and detailed review of all ATI TEAS test sections Review video tutorials to help you master difficult concepts Comprehensive practice questions with detailed answer explanations Tips and strategies to help you get your best test performance. Our test designers have provided hundreds of test questions that will prepare you for what to expect on the actual ATI TEAS. We have done this by setting high standards for our test preparation guides, and our ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is no exception.
"I bought this book under my mother's amazon account so I'm posting this as a 22 year old who had to take the ATI TEAS test for entrance into nursing programs. I felt like I got some questions on the test that the science section touched on but didn't delve very deep into (mostly concerning with the endocrine system), but a majority of the science questions could be answered by reading and studying the book. I recently graduated from college with a health related degree, but I do think that without this study guide I wouldn't have done as well, it helped me brush up on topics I had forgotten as well as teach me things I never knew (mostly relating to English grammar section)."
"Yesterday, I took my TEAS test after using this guide for approximately three weeks, and I am pleased to have earned an 88% with a national percentile rank of 97. Since statistics is tested, albeit very slightly, I would recommend you study the regression charts and lessons for positive/negative skew. Some topics I would recommend for students to reassess are: the components and anatomy of eukaryotes / prokaryotes, ionic and covalent bonds, the products of both mitosis and meiosis, and DNA replication. Test yourself with flash cards the most commonly misspelled words, prefixes and suffixes. In conclusion, this is a wonderful guide that will wrack and plumb your brain for all of the information you should have learned up to this point."
"I recommend using the first practice test as a starting point to determine what you need to study, then spend some time studying before taking the second and third practice tests."
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Best Study Skills

Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive
In Unlimited Memory, you'll learn how the world's best memory masters get themselves to concentrate at will, anytime they want. The 3 bad habits that keep you from easily remembering important information How a simple pattern of thinking can stop you from imprinting and remembering key facts, figures and ideas, and how to break this old pattern so you’ll never again be known as someone with a “bad memory” How to master your attention so you can focus and concentrate longer, even during challenging or stressful situations How to use your car to remember anything you want (like long lists or information you need to remember for your studies or personal life) without writing anything down Simple methods that allow you to nail down tough information or complex concepts quickly and easily How to combine your long-term memory (things you already know and will never forget) and short-term memory (information you want to remember right now) to create instant recall for tests, presentations and important projects The simple, invisible mental technique for remembering names without social awkwardness or anxiety How using your imagination to bring boring information to life can help you dramatically improve your attention span and recall An incredible strategy for remembering numbers (the same system Kevin used to remember Pi to 10,000 digits and beat the world memory record by 14 minutes) How to use a mental map to lock in and connect hundreds or even thousands of ideas in your long-term memory (this method will allow you to become a leading expert in your field faster than you ever dreamed possible). His work has been featured in The Oprah Magazine, Time, Forbes, Inc., The Huffington Post, ELLE, Longevity and on numerous TV and radio shows.
"Many college students seem shockingly ok with forgetting half of what they spent so much money to learn, I for one spent the money to know and remember what I have been taught."
"He also shows you/helps with examples on how you can use what you have learned earlier in the book to jump right in with both feet and start and work to improve your memory right way."
"He does not sugar coat the need for initial effort spent learning the systems, and does not belabor the obvious need & benefits of practice. AFTER finishing this book a little extra reading in the subject area, proved that without using the more commonly recognized terms, Mr. Horsley covered many areas of value including the "Major System" for handling the memorization of numbers based on a method of translating numbers into sounds. We all learn differently, & for this reason Mr. Horsley's book is a decent springboard from which to launch oneself into the act of mental improvement. The words created by the system he introduces in Chapter 12, can be used to create "Peg words" that upon creation are automatically organised in order."
"This book didn’t strike me as anything original or special, which is surprising given the overwhelming positive reviews. It resembles most other books, using similar arguments, descriptions, and even cliché quotes like “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you are going to get what you have always gotten.”. The book that kept coming to mind as I was reading this is John Parker’s Memory: Simple, Easy, and Fun Ways to Improve Memory as some of the resemblances were quite uncanny. Parker follows his introduction with what he refers to as “factors” that improve memory like beliefs, concentration, developing interest, letting go of stress & worry. The two also use cute little quotes at the beginning of each chapter and they both put a lot of emphasis on visualization and imagination. It’s these elements that aren’t the focal point of many memory books, but were in Parker’s and now in Kevin’s, why I draw such a parallel."
"The book enables you to put the principles into practice as you read and shows you just how easy it is to remember lists, numbers, quotes, etc of any given size."
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Best Education Workbooks

5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems (Manhattan Prep GRE Strategy Guides)
Publisher's Note : Products purchased from 3rd party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product. Book of GRE Practice Problems is an essential resource for students of any level who are preparing for the GRE revised General Exam. Verbal Diagnostic Test. Math Diagnostic Test. Inequalities and Absolute Values. Functions, Formulas, and Sequences. Averages, Weighted Averages, Median, and Mode. Standard Deviation and Normal Distribution. Probability, Combinatorics, and Overlapping Sets. Polygons and Rectangular Solids. Verbal Practice Sections. Math Practice Sections. Appendix A: Vocabulary List. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
"However, I've glossed through other Kaplan/Princeton/Etc GRE books and have to say that this book is one of the best study materials you can get. I scored a 325, and the questions I mostly got wrong were in the vocabulary section and because of timing, because I didn't feel like studying vocab, and because I only timed myself on a practice test once. I would go through at least 1 of each section in this book - READ THROUGH THE EXPLANATIONS OF WHAT YOU GOT WRONG. If you have the time and means, what I suggest to do is to read news editorials and opinionated articles and look up the words you don't know."
"The practice material from PR and Kaplan isn't the same level of rigor as the ETS exam, and ETS's book has a limited number of practice problems. I wish I had known about this book with more time before taking the GRE again, I probably would have also invested in some of Manhattan Prep's other study material for the quantitative section. 500+ pages of just math practice and explanations (nevermind all of the reading and essay practice in this beast of a book). -- 30-50 practice questions for EACH topic. I agree with other reviewers that ETS is still the best practice material, but this is definitely the second best book you can buy to prepare yourself."
"Page 1: "GRE success lies in consistent performance, which requires the deep familiarity with GRE questions that can only be gained with practice."
"This book was thorough, especially in math!"
"Perfect for studying for the GRE."
"I had a really hard time trying to find the PERFECT or close to perfect practice book to study for the GRE. Let's hope that I do well on the GRE, but if I don't I think it's going to be because I could have put more time into studying because I feel like this book is a good buy."
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