
Best Holiday

Mary, Did You Know?
"One of my favorite versions of Mark Lowry's song."
"My women a Cappella group is learning this version so I grabbed a copy to hum to while commuting."
"This is simply an amazing rendition of one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs."
"Praise the Lord!"
"A few of the songs are truly interesting because of the style of their singing, and worth listening to, but not selections I want to hear over and over."
"My favorite holiday song by one of my favorite groups!"
"This group is outstanding as an Acapella singing group."
"This is such a beautiful song."
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Christmas/ Sarajevo 12/24 [Instrumental]
"What a great song."
"True to Trans-Siberian Orchestra's sound, Christmas/Sarajevo resonates with deep, rich musical tones tempered by tinkling bells, clarinets resonating back to deep drum beats and bass instruments."
"I've been listening to Christmas songs for over six decades and, in my humble opinion, this is one of the best renditions of one of the greatest Christmas songs ever written."
"I was walking in an outdoor mall in Richmond, VA last Christmas, and they have a giant Christmas tree there, specially programmed to flash its lights in perfect time while this song rocks out - I was spell-bound watching the music and lights in perfect symmetry - made me love this great song even more."
"I've played guitar and was taught classically and every year I want to master one of these songs. I don't have the music book for this album but it's always in my mind when I listen to one of these songs."
"Outstanding music - my daughter's using it for a performance!"
"I have always been a fan of the song Carol of the Bells since I was three years old and have always looked forward to Christmas just to hear it."
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"I actually downloaded this because of Leonard Cohen's passing."
"I love Pentatonix and I loved this recording."
"This is the most beautiful song that I have heard in years - the singers are wonderful - I listen to this song 4-5 times a day - it makes you feel that everything is wonderful in the world."
"I am a lifelong musician & played professionally for 33 years!"
"You cannot get better than Pentatonix."
"Not a Christmas song."
"More songs like this will give them more recognition."
"Hallelujah is a beautiful song."
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Best Holiday

Hallelujah (Accompaniment Track)
"Kelley Mooney changed the lyrics of the popular "Hallelujah" song to tell the Easter Story."
"A powerful Holy week meditation and an absolutely amazingly joyful Easter anthem that brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it."
"Absolutely wonderful rendition of Hallelujah."
"Beautiful version of the song originally written by Leonard Cohen."
"I accidentally saw a utube of Kelley singing her version of a Cold & Broken Hallelujah by L. Cohen."
"I like the song and was glad to find it on Amazon."
"It would be great if there was a demo on this track along with the music."
"Not your Cohen standard, Mooney's rewrite."
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Best Miscellaneous

Mary, Did You Know?
"One of my favorite versions of Mark Lowry's song."
"My women a Cappella group is learning this version so I grabbed a copy to hum to while commuting."
"Praise the Lord!"
"A few of the songs are truly interesting because of the style of their singing, and worth listening to, but not selections I want to hear over and over."
"My favorite holiday song by one of my favorite groups!"
"This group is outstanding as an Acapella singing group."
"This is such a beautiful song."
"Absolutely beautiful."
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Best Oldies

Run Rudolph Run
"Classic tune we all grew up with, not the best recording but definitely needs to be included in any Christmas music collection."
"Perfect for my Kinders to sing and perform in their Christmas program."
"Chuck Berry and Christmas!"
"One of my favorite Christmas songs from the past."
"Great song."
"Was exactly what i was expecting."
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Best Comedy

The Twelve Pains Of Christmas
"So funny."
"I'm not one for the modern STUFF they try to call music."
"A nice break in the midst of all the Christmas music forced upon you this time of the year."
"classic song. as my son and I were 'stringing the lights' and could not find the stupid plug -. we both thought of this song!"
"Heard it many years ago on the radio and is a must have x-mas song!"
"I swear -the Guy STRESSING over the Christmas Lights HAD TO HAVE BEEN secretly recorded at my Childhood home!"
"You're in luck: "The Twelve Pains of Christmas" covers all the things we love to hate about the holidays."
"Love it, can more than relate to the lights, love the song, get it, you will love it too."
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Best Soul

Rise Up
"Granted it is only a 30 second sample, but that is generally enough time to explore new bands and get a feel of their music, or make sure that a song you are about to purchase is the right version. If however, you are just looking to build a music library on a budget, I'd highly recommend checking out Amazon's free / cheap collection of music, featuring songs as well as albums. ), you can always check here…. FREE MUSIC: From Amazon Home page --> Departments (drop down menu) --> Digital and Prime Music -->Deals --> Songs by Price / Albums by Price (on left side of screen)."
"I luv her style and her voice."
"Love this song."
"This is an extremely inspirational and powerful song, I only heard a glimpse of it on tv and knew I had to have it based on the short edit that I heard."
"I love the message this song sends to people listening."
"Great song."
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Best Pop Rock

Cheap Thrills
"Great song, -- good song for dancing."
"Good song i really like it."
"I love Sia, and Sean Paul - this song is awesome to dance to."
"another song i added to my phone song is great."
"Sia is one of my favorites and this song doesn't disappoint!"
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Best Educational

Letter Sounds (apple apple aaa)
"Great song. great song!"
"I love it, and the children love singing it and following along with the pictures and sounds (a fellow teacher had the worksheet that goes with the song)."
"It is a fun song with a catchy tune, but I'm not sure how well it helps kids learn the alphabet sounds because the song doesn't say the letter before it pronounces the sound, it just says a word that starts with that letter....like doll ...da da da, but it doesn't ever mention the letter D."
"My wife loves the letter sound song the children pick it up fast."
"I use this song in my Kindergarten class to help them with their letter sounds and get wonderful results!"
"It was song that I was looking for."
"I like that this teaches the kids about letter sounds."
"I absolutely love the songs included!"
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Best Oldies & Retro

San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)
"I heard it on the radio the other day and checked my music collection. Nice place but I was in a little bit of a hurry so I did not stay long!!"
"This one was a winner."
"If you were between 12 and 25 when this song was released, it has likely become part of "who" you are - your very DNA."
"¶¶¶,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø`º¤ø EXCELLENT ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,¶¶¶,¸¸,øº°*I HIGHLY RECOMMEND¸¸,¶¶¶."
"Memories from 1967, the 'Summer Of Love' in San Francisco."
"The song always takes me back to that trip to San Francisco when all the Hippies were singing and dancing in the parks with flowers in their hair."
"A few days after I heard this song Scott McKenzie passed away."
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Best Jewish & Yiddish Music

Am Echad
"Awesome, very catchy tune and uplifting feel good song."
"Ari Goldwag is fantastic!"
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