
Best Contact Lens Rewetting Drops

SYSTANE ULTRA Lubricant Eye Drops, Twin Pack, 10-mL Each
SYSTANE ULTRA Lubricant Eye Drops are clinically proven to deliver extended protection and high-performance relief from your dry eye symptoms. Fast Long-Lasting Dry Eye Symptom Relief.
"When my ophthalmologist explained what was wrong with my eyes and told my about Systane, it was an amazing day. First off, I thought I just had either super sensitive eyeballs or kamikaze eyelashes, because I walk around with a constant feeling like there is something in my eye."
"But with one drop, they feel cool and without irritation, even when smoke from local fires are fouling our air."
"The Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops work better than the regular Systane drops."
"These are first line recommended by eye doctors for dry eyes."
"Don't get me wrong, this product is worth every penny that it costs for those of us with dry eyes."
"The drops help so my eyes don't feel dry when I wake up."
"Thanks again Amazon for have this product for online buyers as myself to take advantage of the "Prime" 2-day shipment free offer on this product line."
"These drops are great!"
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Refresh Tears Lubricant Eye Drops, Moisture Drops for Dry Eyes. 4- .5 fl oz. bottles
Size: 4 Bottles 0.5oz each (2oz Total). Refresh Tears Lubricant Eye Drops, Moisture Drops for Dry Eyes.
"The Systane burned my eyes but my Mom loves that product after having her Crystal lenses put in."
"I have been using this product for years & it is one of the best products, as far as I am concerned, on the market."
"This is the only eye drop that is effective for me as a contact lens wearer."
"Always used visine ("get the red out") eye drops in the morning."
"I also picked up a bottle of Murine Tears for Dry Eyes at Walmart (for 75% less $), and the brand seems as good, if not better than the Refresh."
"I keep this product in four rooms as my eyes dry out during the day."
"I love that the bottles are small enough that they are convenient enough to carry around, but large enough that they've lasted me almost a year."
"Most eye drops sting and burn my eyes."
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TheraTears Dry Eye Therapy- Lubricant Eye Drops- 1FL OZ(30mL)
Size: 1 FL OZ (30ml). TheraTears Dry Eye Therapy- Lubricant Eye Drops provide immediate, long lasting relief of dry eye symptoms.
"I came across these about 6 months ago and for the first time in my life I don't wake up with burning dry eyes and I don't need to add drops constantly throughout the days. This means everyday when you're adding drops you're not tearing your natural eye lubricants apart but instead helping build them up. I didn't get a discount on this or anything, I'm just writing the review to help anyone else like me who has a similar annoying and constant fight on their hands."
"The Bausch & Lomb instantly impressed me, though, because there was NO stinging or burning, no wincing or watering eye, no fear of it not calming down or needing to be rinsed out immediately. I knew instantly that for me, personally, the Bausch & Lomb was the clear winner. And that feeling of soothing, comforting, protective relief lasted for at least six hours. Whether there would be a long-term difference, there's no way to tell at this point; but I'm not willing to put the Thera Tears back into either of my eyes since it burns and stings and the B&L does not. (And no, I'm not affiliated with either company--just someone with extremely dry, irritated eyes from winter heating, outdoor wind, aging and too much computer use who didn't know which one to buy, so I bought both and tried them both)."
"It is a good sized bottle and drops come out easily but I have found that these eye drops do not help my dry eyes at all."
"I always have dry eyes."
"They work."
"I have tried so many eye drops with limited success."
"Only drops that work I have dry eye so bad especially at night I can't even open my eyes or move them it hurts so bad."
"Honestly do not know if these work...my eyes feel more refreshed, but doesn't help with redness really."
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Best Contact Lens Cleaners

Ocusoft Lid Scrub Foaming Eyelid Cleanser (7.25 fl. oz.)
Size: 1. Ocusoft Lid Scrub Foam promotes contact lens comfort and may be used to remove cosmetics.
"For eye drops I use: ..... a generic Long Lasting Formula/Sterile Lubricant Eye Drops, Polyethylene Glycol 400 0.4%; Propylene Glycol 0.3% from Fred Meyer/Kroger store, under $4. [...]. ..... or Equate Long Lasting Lubricant Eye Drops TWIN PACK, Compare to Systane from Amazon. ..... or Systane Lubricant Eye Drops, 1 Ounce from Amazon."
"It works cleaning my eyelashes...the optometrist told me to do it once a day, I forget the name of what I have but lots of people have it too...little ?"
"This stuff works great to have in my shower for cleaning my eyelids every day to help prevent styes."
"I se twice a day on a cotton round to clean my eye lids and the surrounding area."
"Using this lid cleanser really minimizes all of that - now, if anything, I just have to wipe the inner corners of my eyes."
"I use this product religiously in the morning and evening as I have dry eye and am prone to eye infections."
"Removes oils and pollen to make eyes feel better."
"Better than pads."
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Best Contact Lens Cases

CLEAR CARE Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution with Lens Case, Twin Pack, 12-Ounces Each
CLEAR CARE with lens case is ideal for anyone looking for a daily cleaning and disinfecting solution for contact lenses. Let the lens soak for 6 hours or overnight to allow the peroxide to neutralize and help avoid eye irritation when inserting the contact lenses. CLEAR CARE uses the bubbling power of hydrogen peroxide to make your lenses so fresh, they feel like new.
"This was really key to me because for the first 2 1/2 years of wearing lenses, the end of the month for new lenses was something I really looked forward to because my lenses bothered my eyes more and more over the course of the month. You need regular solution for the quick soak, the popping out a lens to clean it, etc. Though my eye doctor's office didn't really do a good job of covering this in the "consult" I paid for, my personal take is you need a product like Clear Care for routine cleaning, you need regular lens solution for short soaks and those times where you take lenses in and out, and you need a good rewetting solution for those days where lenses are being annoying. I accidentally grabbed this when cleaning a lens real quick one day instead of my regular solution, which was totally my fault - I was inattentive. The bottle is covered in more warnings than you can ever imagine and those warnings don't understate the consequences...but I rinsed my lens and popped it back in my eye. The other thing to know is I don't recommend for travel unless you can give long soak times."
"only solution i use for my contacts."
"Definitely a step up from the other saline type solutions I've used in the past."
"I wear contacts infrequently and prefer cleaning with this stuff rather than soaking in saline or multipurpose."
"I was diagnosed with Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC) from overuse of my contacts and "poor hygiene". My lenses feel cleaner and more comfortable throughout the day and during my last optometry appointment I was told my GPC has resolved completely."
"I still rinse my contacts with a Biotrue solution before inserting them otherwise they seem to dry out quickly, but I'm still giving this product 5 stars!"
"Before clear care, my contact lenses got very dry many times throughout the day. When using the contact case + solution with your lenses inside, you can actually SEE and HEAR the solution doing it's job with the case."
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Best Contact Lens Soaking Solutions

PuriLens Plus Preservative Free Saline Twelve 4-fl. oz(120-mL)Bottles
PuriLens Plus Preservative Free Saline Twelve 4-fl. Twelve (12) 4 fl.
"I use PuriLens to fill my scleral lenses and rinse them."
"I truly hoe this new solution remains on Amazon for the rest of my contact lens wearing days. Big kudos to Amazon for selling Lifestyle company product."
"I don't use it for anything other than eye drops, unless a situation arises where I have to rinse a lens, and that hasn't come up yet since I got the PuriLens, but I imagine it will work just fine. I use the PuriLens as eye drops twice a day, when I get up and when I go to bed, and it's great for that -- wish I had discovered it sooner!"
"Super product!"
"I have been trying to wear contacts for the past several months and no matter what brand I've tried or how good the fit was, my eyes would just get foggy, red and irritated within the first hour or two. The saline is packaged great and the bottle has an excellent opening that makes it easy to control the flow."
"I personally have opened bottles of this very product and used them, yes, in my eyes, for well longer than 15 days, more like months, without any issues. They are constantly exposed to all sorts of nasty things that float in the air, that kick up from the ground, that we rub into them, and somehow they survive. This is a fine product, I've been using it for some time, and I have no hesitation recommending it for eyes and nose."
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Best Hard Contact Lens Care Products

Bausch & Lomb Boston One Step Liquid Enzymatic Cleaner, Protein Remover, 0.01 Fluid Ounce, 12 Count
Style: Liquid Enzymatic Cleaner |. Size: 12 Count. Removes Deposits right in your lens case as you disinfect.
"It causes their eyes to react in a negative, irritated manner. The problem is that all of the NEW "improved" products from B&L contain the preservative that causes my eyes (and I know THOUSANDS OF OTHERS) to react with irritation/red eye. I have been using the SIMPLUS because there are no other products on the market that lack the irritant preservative in question.....the SIMPLUS is bearable to the eyes, but still causes irritation, luckily not as much as Boston's other formulas."
"(Note to users of another solution that contains hydrogen peroxide: apparently that will NOT pass the test; peroxide is forbidden). They lasted me for 11 nights of traveling and a couple more nights at home before the conditioning solution ran out. I use the conditioning solution just for soaking; I rinse the cleaner off the lenses with tap water."
"Good and fresh and does the job."
"I have used this formula for years and was happy to find it online at a good price."
"Product is exactly what you buy at the pharmacy but perfect for travel."
"Economically if it was in a bottle you would be able to preserve and conserve more, I'm guessing it's marketing or somebody made them put them in individual usage. I looked around and can't find them whole lot cheaper, and if I did I'd have to get my car to get it would probably end up spending more in time, gas, and energy."
"As expected."
"I've ordered this item before - in travel size."
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