
Best Denture Cleansers

Retainer Brite 96 Tablets (3 Months Supply)
Retainer Brite is a highly effective removable brace cleaner that kills bacteria, preventing brace discoloration and odor that can lead to bad breath. Helps remove plaque & tartar.
"before finding this product."
"Because I grind my teeth while sleeping, my dentist made me a devise I wear at night to protect my teeth."
"These cleaning tablets do a great job, but you still need to use a brush on your retainers or guards in addition to using these tablets."
"I soaked my invisalign aligners in the solution as directed for 15 minutes but there were still areas of plague and the plastic was much clearer, but not perfect."
"I drop the retainers in a glass of warm water while I eat breakfast in the morning and keep the liquid for the rest of the day - use it while I snack or eat dinner or while brushing and flossing before bed."
"I just take them out after a soak in the solution (water+tablet), brush them, and then place them back in."
"I’ve definitely noticed a difference when I use these as opposed to gently brushing with a toothbrush (you’re not allowed to brush your aligners with toothpaste due to abrasiveness)."
"If you do have metal retainers, make sure to only leave them for 15 mins!"
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Retainer Brite, 1 Year Supply, 384 Tablets
Abrasive toothpastes can dull and discolor clear aligners and retainers! 4 Boxes of Retainer Brite (384 Tablets Total) 1 Year Supply.
"Since using these tablets, my Invisalign trays are practically still clear by the end of the second week of use (when I have to toss the tray)."
"After a ruined invisalign retainer for my daughter from discoloration we were convinced nothing could keep them clean."
"As a side note, the orthodontist told me not to use denture cleaner for my retainers, as it could cause them to turn yellow, yuck."
"I was using a product easily found in most drugs stores and notice my retainers getting stained. I told my dentist about the offer and they said it was cheaper than what they are paying for it."
"I have been using this product for years."
"keeps my retainer clean."
"Last year my friend asked me to purchase this Retainer Brite for her."
"Upon receiving our product, I immediately noticed that the packaging design has changed. While the tablets still dissolve, the water remains blue and never returns to clear. When all 3 failed to clear up after the water turned blue, I tried a brand new packet of tablets."
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192 Tablet Retainer Brite (6 Months Supply)
Retainer Brite cleans Essix and Hawley retainers - plus nightguards, mouthguards, splints, and most other removable dental appliances. 2 Boxes of Retainer Brite (192 Tablets Total) 6 Months Supply.
"Still no stains or weird color markings on my clear retainers."
"These last longer than the supply says.....just use 1/2 a tablet per cleaning."
"15 minutes each night and my night guards come out looking (and smelling!"
"This cleaner makes my invisalign feel cleaner and removes the stinky odor they have by the end of the day."
"I use Retainer Brite on my bite guard, it is great stuff!!"
"I use it daily to prevent build up of bacteria or smells."
"Use it for Invisalign trays and thought nit would eliminate the need for brushing the trays; but still need hand cleaning."
"It helps keep my retainers sterilized clean but I still have to brush them to get them thoroughly clean."
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Best Lab Ultrasonic Cleaner Solutions

iSonic CSDW01 Ultrasonic Cleaning Powder for Denture and All Other Dental Appliances, 8oz./227 g Professional Strength, White
Style: Cleaning Powder. Use 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon per cup of water for light stain, daily cleaning and disinfection. The second photo shows a 25-year old denture which was never cleaned professionally before.
"Because I've had this mouth guard for nearly a decade, even the iSonic F3900 won't remove some of the silver-colored stains from the teeth with cavities that grind against it at night, but that does not surprise me. A dental hygienist told me that putting my TMJ mouth guard in water with a drop of Dawn dishwashing cleaner would help remove the surfactants regular cleaning doesn't, and she was right."
"I was skeptical about this product given the mixed reviews about noise, but I went with this model because it seemed to be the only one that didn't look like it was straight out of the 80s and my wife is pretty particular about the appearance of things that sit on our recently redone bathroom counters."
"I removed the plastic tray and used about half the packet of the cleaner and ran my retainer through 3 cycles (taking one ten minute break between so it didn't overheat) and the difference was amazing. I haven't used it with the retainer brite tablets yet, but just the cleaner and water removed all the stuck on junk and brightened them significantly."
"You will not experience the full benefits of this machine without the iSonic CSDW01 Ultrasonic Cleaning Powder."
"I highly recommend it as part of a braces cleaning process."
"Bought this for my grandfather."
"I had very badly stained dentures, and this item cleaned them on two passes."
"First I noticed my night guard wasn’t as clean (and this is t just an age thing my nightguard is 7 years old and was getting super clean when I first got this!)."
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Best Denture Baths

120 Retainer Cleaning Tablets -(4 Months Supply)- Removes Stain, Plaque & Bad Odor from Dentures, Nightguard, Mouth Guard & Removable Dental Appliances. Made in USA.
The powerful cleaning agents contained in these denture cleanser tablets create a super effective blue solution that also. fights tartar, helps reduce plaque and protects gums from gingivitis​, as well. KILLS GERMS & BACTERIA: Dental Duty anti-bacterial cleaning tablets is The Most Effective and Safest Solution on the market today to remove stains, Bad breath, plaque & tartar when cleaning dental appliances.
"I can't believe I ever wore my retainer WITHOUT using this to clean it... and clean it well!"
"This dental cleaner tablets are extremely effective for cleaning my partial. It works really well, and my partial looks clean without any stain and it has no odor after the cleaning."
"this is a solid value at a great price, and it does what the higher costing tablets do for so much less money !!!!"
"This box is very generous and is a much better priced product than my last box."
"The odor removing is also nice, mouths create a lot of bacteria, leading to unpleasant smells, so being able to remove those daily is great."
"Simple to use all you need is warm water then drop the tablet till it dissolves, soak the dentures for 15-20 minutes then rinse dentures with tap water."
"I purchased these after a similar product (Retainer Brite) I was using changed its product without warning (it left gunk on my Invisalign, didn't change color, had a funky taste after "cleaning")."
"These seem far more effective on my night guard than any of my previous cleansing methods."
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Best Denture Brushes

Oral-B Pro 5000 SmartSeries Power Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush with Bluetooth Connectivity and Travel Case, White, Powered by Braun
The Oral-B Pro 5000 SmartSeries Power Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush with Bluetooth Connectivity provides a floss-like clean* for healthier gums. Rechargeable with 5 modes: Daily Clean, Gum Care, Sensitive, Whitening, and Deep Clean.
"I went with this because I thought the app would help me maintain better oral health. However, you can never tell which brush mode you're in unless you paired it with the app. However, you do not know which mode you're in and to try different modes you have to select different journeys."
"While you're brushing the app pretty much gives you the same info that you get with the smart guide that Oral B has included with their toothbrushes for a while now (although it does also include news headlines, weather information, and upcoming calendar appointments) but frankly,when I first got my triumph brush I think I used the smart guide for all of about a week and then managed to lose it in the back of a bathroom cabinet, so I'm not sure I really see myself continuing to open up the app every time I brush my teeth. The other thing worth noting is that it doesn't work well to share the brush with someone else. So in the end I'm going to keep the brush as I'm really quite happy with it's performance as an electric toothbrush, and the bluetooth feature doesn't really add any additional cost (I believe it's actually the same price as the non-bluetooth Pro 5000), but I'm not sure I'll actually be using the bluetooth feature several weeks from now."
"Easy to operate which is important to me since I have limited use of hands after breaking my neck."
"I had a recent appt at the dentist and the hygienist noted I had "well polished" teeth."
"Wasn't sure I would like an electric brush, but I do!"
"This work REALLY well and it is better than using your regular tooth brush. It gets your teeth cleaner and yes you can feel the difference from one tooth brush to the other."
"Compared to my old Oral B and Sonicare Diamond Clean, this works much better."
"The bluetooth is probably isn't needed unless you want to see how many times you brushed your teeth."
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Best Denture Adhesives

Secure Denture Bonding Cream by Dentek - 1.4 Ounces (Pack of 4) (1.4 oz)
Size: Pack of 4. For use in oral irrigators.
"It says to wait 15 minutes after inserting your denture before eating or drinking--I've discovered that is the bare minimum amount of time. To remove them after they've been in all day get some hot water hold it in your mouth as long as you can spit it out then start working to loosen up the denture. This may seem like a lot of work but once you get the true Secure hold you won't mind the extra steps because having your plate that tight in your mouth is worth every ounce of effort you put into it."
"I just had all my teeth extracted and temps put in 3 weeks ago. Still, I think fair to point out as some of my issues may be resolved once I'm fully healed. I'm still in that rapid shrinkage stage right now where they fit perfect today and 2 days later loose again. I started with Fixodent Food Seal and it worked OK, but I always had issues cleaning it up. After removing my Dentures there was a bit of a slimy mess, but cleaned up fairly easily for the most part. I'm not experienced enough yet to learn to control my dentures with my mouth so this is a HUGE help for me right now. Take a drink of water to ensure your mouth is good and wet and put them in. It will come right off with a paper towel then as it doesn't stick well to a wet surface..... which makes me curious how it holds your dentures to your gums so well... Hmmm. Bottom line, Great product."
"I have tried almost every denture adhesive I could find, polygrip, fixadent cream, paste, and powders."
"This product I'd okay, but it is not superior to any of the other denture product."
"This was my first time using Secure."
"the product burned my mouth I followed the instruction to the letter."
"This product was 100% junk."
"It lasted less time than another brand... would be great if someone could create a waterproof adhesive for the lower denture that would actually last 12 hours..."
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Best Denture Repair Kits

Electric Toothbrush, Oral-B Pro 7000 SmartSeries Black Electronic Power Rechargeable Toothbrush with Bluetooth Connectivity Powered by Braun
The professionally inspired design of the Cross Action brush head surrounds each tooth with bristles angled at 16 degrees, and 3D cleaning action oscillates, rotates, and pulsates to break up and remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush. Included in pack: 1 rechargeable toothbrush handle, 1 Cross Action brush head, 1 Pro White brush head, 1 Sensitive brush head, 1 charging station with brush head storage, wireless SmartGuide.
"I'm a proud owner of the 5000 series for the last 6 years and wanted to refresh a little bit. The 5000 series has it as well, but the 7000 makes a complete stop for 1-2 seconds and then continues. Paying additional $60 for a travel case is pretty much absurd. The design is nice, but it's weird that the brush itself is white and the handle is black. The blue light, while the brush is charging (flickering), can annoy some people. Anyway, Amazon is lowering the price every couple of days now and playing between $160 and $130. I will keep my 5000 series since it's still working and don't see currently any good alternatives on the market; Sonicare Diamond, for example, has only 31,000 strokes/minute while Oral-B has 40,000 pulsations and 8,800 oscilations (also known as 3D tooth by tooth cleaning)."
"One thing I am 100% sure is I want a Bluetooth teeth brush and it can track my brush time and activities daily, and travel case. I personally don’t need to charge my phone while brushing my teeth, and I don’t think it worth it. I can feel how much brush head rotate stronger compared to my old tooth brush. Once the tooth brush is away from the charging station, it takes less than 5 seconds to connect with your phone. On the app, you can actually see how much time you have been brushing. It also provides brushing tips, weather and news to entertain me while brushing. I think this is a great idea, so that I can forget I am actually brushing teeth and I can brush longer!"
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