
Best Historical Romance

The Sugar Men
Sixty-four years ago, Susannah Morgan managed to flee the horrors of the Holocaust. He wrote a singularly awful novel in the early 1990s, and so concentrated on his IT/engineering career (and renovating a house) for the next fifteen years.
""Perhaps seeing again how unlucky so many others had been- how a whole generation had had their lives and dreams stolen from them-would remind her how lucky she'd been to escape sixty-four years ago. Her family along with her aunt and uncle move to Netherlands to try and escape what was happening, but they can’t stay hidden forever sadly and eventually there luck ran out. Then we also get to see things from Judy who is Susannah’s daughter and how she is so worried about her mother and just wants to make her last bit of time on earth safe and comfortable. I also really like the writing of this story the author did such a good job and made you feel like you were really there with the character and seeing it all through her eyes. I’m sorry I’m not saying much about the plot, but I can’t because I don’t want to give anything away about what she had to do in order to keep her and her family alive while living through that time in Germany as a Jew. Her friendship with Ester was one that was good for both of them and showed that just having a little bit of hope can help you stay alive even when it seems everything in the world is against you."
"I have read many memoirs of concentration camp survivors, but I have never before read one that so clearly details the recovery and emotional devastation that continue years later as well as the impact the concentration camp experience and survival had on the survivor's children and other relationships."
""The Sugar Men" is historical fiction dealing with difficult subject matter - the Holocaust & life (and death) in the concentration camps."
"Susannah was a holocaust survivor."
"After all the horrible things that had happened to her and her family she still had the power to forgive those who had taken so much from her."
"The reason I gave the book a four star instead of a five star is because historical fiction in general gives reference to historical materials that the author read and influenced his writing."
"Kingfisher has captured the horror of Susannah's past and her later efforts to gain "closure" for herself."
"It was a good story."
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Ransomed Jewels
Claire knows she can’t trust anyone, but she isn’t given a choice when Major Bennett arrives, demanding she give him the necklace. She has written more than two dozen Victorian historical novels, thirteen of which have been published by Prairie Muse Publishing and seven of which have been published by Montlake Romance and are selling worldwide.
"Interesting story with many twist and turns."
"Can always count on Laura Landon for writing interesting characters and situations."
"Heroine with unexpected strength but struggling with a shameful secret and major doubts about risking her heart to love the hero."
"I so wanted to hate the Sam for misjudging Claire but I understood how it came to pass."
"Having read Jaded Moon first (which was great), I was anxious to hear more of Major Samuel Bennett."
"This is a premier novel of Laura Landon."
"A good story."
"I figured out the ending early on."
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Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye (The Redcliffe Sisters Book 1)
And then there’s Felicity, the youngest and most introverted of the Redcliffe sisters, who is about to take her vows and enter the convent against her sisters’ wishes. Gabriel is the author of eight sagas and historical novels, including the bestsellers The Mask Of Time , The Original Sin and The Seventh Moon , and was once accused by Cosmopolitan magazine of ‘keeping you reading while your dinner burns’.
"I didn't expect to like this book, in the event I could not put it down, the characterisations are excellent and the story line brilliant and believable."
"First time I have read this author and really enjoyed it looking forward to the conclusion , having it in two books I sent the best for me as I loose enthusiasm , but I look forward to when it's released."
"Wish the ending wasn't so abrupt."
"This is really a novel for women, however a man can get incites to a woman's perspective."
"Loved the book and wish he woul write sequel."
"I thought it was pretty well written and compelling--just so disappointing in the end."
"Marius Gabriel hit this one so far out-of-the-park, the ball hasn't even landed yet ;-) I couldn't put it down, and am not-so-patiently waiting for the sequel."
"I really enjoyed the book, right up to the end."
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Best Paranormal

Vampire Girl 3: Silver Flame
From USA TODAY bestselling series Vampire Girl , comes the next book in the saga: SILVER FLAME. For fans of Twilight , A Shade of Vampire , and Outlander , experience a fantasy romance with an original twist on an old tale. Karpov Kinrade is the pen name for the husband and wife writing duo of USA Today bestselling, award-winning authors Lux Kinrade and Dmytry Karpov.
"I thought the cliffy from MS was bad, but this one definitely knocks it out of the park for so many reasons that I will mention in a spoiler. ********. ********************************************************************************************************************. [We find out that Asher has been working with Metsi to capture Arianna and Levi in order to gain the power of the Primal One (who I think is somehow linked to Tavian). And at the end, the authors like to casually mention that btw Asher is actually chained in a hard-to-find dungeon and was being impersonated by Lucian, who is thereby actually working with Metsi to gain the powers of the Primal One. There is definitely more to him than just his amazing good looks and hot body--he is sweet, funny, cares about nature, and of course is gorgeous."
"In previous books Ari's allies were Asher and Fen and now we can add Dean! So happy about Fen and Ari finally having some "me" time."
"The soul rises from the pit of despair through the range of emotions in this installment of Vampire Girl."
"I feel like I have not stopped reading between books. I love that the story seems to keep an even flow, the next book picks up where the last one pretty much left off. This book was a bit darker I thought than the previous two books. That said I have loved all three books so far and am excited to start reading book four!"
"Has a lot of unexpected twists and turns that just delves into 'making the plot grow thicker'. Without trying to give too much away; I am very much worried about 'the truth' of what happened between Ari and Fen because of the possibility of the use of illusion."
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Best Mystery & Suspense

Ghost Gifts (A Ghost Gifts Novel Book 1)
Finally content as the real estate writer for a local newspaper, Aubrey keeps her extraordinary ability hidden—until she is unexpectedly assigned the story of a decades-old murder. Aubrey has no choice but to get involved, even at the terrifying risk of stirring spirits connected to a dead woman’s demise and piquing her new reporting partner’s suspicions. “A wild adventure of a mystery, brimming with layers, secrets, and more than one person who should feel guilty…Paranormal mystery/romance fans will find a gem of a story in Laura Spinella’s Ghost Gifts .” —Fresh Fiction. “ Ghost Gifts will stir your emotions, spook the bejesus out of you, and keep you furiously turning pages until the cows deign to come home. “Laura Spinella skillfully weaves plot twists from the dead with secrets from the living, and adds sparks when psychic Aubrey Ellis and reporter Levi St John are assigned to uncover the truth about a decades-old New England murder. The southern locale provided the inspiration for her first novel, Beautiful Disaster , which garnered multiple awards, including a Romance Writers of America RITA nomination.
"This book also switches back and forth between present day and 20 years prior, to the time when Aubrey Ellis, the protagonist, is a 13-year-old girl, and where it all started. When a new discovery uncovers a murder committed twenty years ago, she is assigned to help Levi St John, the city desk editor of the Hartford Standard Speaker, with the story because she has a lot of contacts in the community and knows the town well. She has tried to lead a normal life by working as a reporter but it seems as though her talents are going to be utilized in the latest development in the decades-old murder of Missy Flannigan. I often noticed parts of the book dragged on with so many details, only to end on a brand new piece of information that flared my excitement again."
"I preferred the Kindle edition of “Ghost Gifts” because the Audible narrator failed to give the characters distinct voices; This was especially true for female characters who all sounded breathy and occasionally breathless. Although the Kindle version was superior, this book could have benefited from a good editor to correct writing problems and to cut some fat from the book."
"It has a fascinating paranormal aspect, a heroine who longs for roots, after a childhood spent traveling with a carnival, a murder mystery involving an abused girl, and a satisfying ending."
"Sure, it could have had all the past events in the beginning of the book, but with the way it was written, I thought that the past scenes gave you more understanding of the present. Although I figured out the mystery part before I got to the end of the book, I thought that it was a well written story."
"As an avid reader, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and even had difficulty putting it down for some much needed sleep."
"Aubrey and Levi work well together."
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Best Contemporary

Vicious (Sinners of Saint)
They say love and hate are the same feelings experienced under different circumstances, and it’s true. The man who comes to me in my dreams also haunts me in my nightmares. Ten years ago, he made me run away from the small town where we lived. The woman who knows my darkest secret, and the daughter of the cheap Help we hired to take care of our estate. LJ Shen has done it again.Taken an absolutely HORRIBLE character and made him into a swoony motherfucker. Literally no words are being formed in my head to describe how much I love this book. It was amazing and thought provoking, staying with me long after the last word was read.- Rosa Sharon,iScream Books. One of the most anticipated books of the year - heck, ever - and I totally devoured it in one sitting. He puts all the other Bad Boys to shame.- Shabby Arora, BookBistro Blog. How else could the woman possibly crawl inside my mind and create a story that seriously felt custom written for me? LJ Shen has created an addictive story line with characters that will frustrate you to no end. Shen pulled off a fucktastic slow burning story of alpha dominance and pain! I was completely bowled over by this book, the story flowed really well and the writing was as close to flawless as it could be. Shen is a USA Today and Amazon #1 Best-selling author of contemporary and YA romance. She lives in California with her husband and son, and enjoys good wine, bad reality TV shows and catching sun rays with her lazy cat.
"I love all her books but I think this one was the best."
"I loved every agonizing moment of the push pull relationship between Vicious and Em."
"I'm highly impressed with this author's writing style and the persona of the characters. The POV of both main characters will suck the reader's imagination into their story. Ten years goes by, the girl and boy are now grown end up working together. Details, secrets, and feelings will eventually come out that will pull at the heartstrings."
"Emilia is a sweet girl, I get how you could still be attracted to a bad guy, but he was verbally abusive to her, stole her books, trashed her locker on a regular basis, kissed her sister, made her senior year of high school miserable. Just felt like he was still a high school bully, who still felt the need to fight his friend for a girl, not because he loved the girl but because he always wants to win."
"Vicious is the leader of The Four Hot Holes, four stunning young men of privilege who are as far from gentlemen as you can get. There seems to be something new to discover in each chapter of this book, and I found myself constantly questioning Vicious’s thoughts and next moves. I admired her strength and resilience, even when faced with the most difficult and humiliating challenges. There are so many complicated layers to Vicious you’d need an entire excavating team and staff of psychologists to fully unearth and understand him. The Sinners of Saint series continues, however, by focusing on a different member of The Four Hot Holes."
"They cross paths at an early age when Emilia 's parent's come to work for Vicious and his family. He is a damaged boy that turns into a hateful, scorned brilliant man who does not let his guard down until she reappears in his life. Is it possible for two people with such a turbulent scarred history can come together to heal, forgive and move forward with whatever the world has to offer them?"
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