
Best Conversation Etiquette Guides

Rick Steves' Italian Phrase Book & Dictionary
This handy guide provides key phrases for use in everyday circumstances, complete with phonetic spelling, an English-Italian and Italian-English dictionary, the latest information on European currency and rail transportation, and even a tear-out cheat sheet for continued language practice as you wait in line at the Sistine Chapel. With the help of his hardworking staff of 80 at Europe Through the Back Door—in Edmonds, Washington, just north of Seattle—Rick's mission is to make European travel fun, affordable, and culturally broadening for Americans.
"My husband and I -- who travel frequently and rarely get sick -- contracted some kind of horrible flu/sinus infection/plague on the way out or Rome and needed to seek urgent medical consultation and care from a pharmacy on the Amalfi coast. The Rick Steves guide came to our rescue because it had more than three times the amount of health and medical vocabulary than the Lonely Planet book, which we desperately needed because we had a lot of specific symptoms to communicate and the pharmacist/doctor only spoke a few words of English."
"Very inclusive and informative."
"Love this little book."
"Came in handy many times for reference."
"Rick Steves does it again."
"Great when paired with his free audio guides (not to mention PBS specials)."
"Love this book."
"Book helped me with short phrases on first trip to Italy."
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Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time
In this guide, which includes exercises and tools to take you step by step through the Seven Principles of Fierce Conversations, Scott teaches readers how to: Overcome barriers to meaningful communication Expand and enrich conversations with colleagues, friends, and family Increase clarity and improve understanding Handle strong emotions-on both sides of the table. Overcome barriers to meaningful communication Expand and enrich conversations with colleagues, friends, and family Increase clarity and improve understanding Handle strong emotions-on both sides of the table.
"I have friends and colleagues waiting to barrow my copy after I finish."
""A fierce conversation is one in which we come out from behind ourselves into the conversation and make it real." This book will change how you lead (we lead through communication), how you live your life (with loved ones and important relationships in your life), and will impact the "richness" of your relationships."
"Many memorable lines like when we think a conversation is needed, it is!"
"I had the opportunity to have a fierce conversation with my sister that allowed the two of us to come to an agreement about an uncomfortable issue that left the two of us feeling like winners."
"This was a great product which came in a very timely manner."
"We hide out in our relationships. It a great wake up call to be honest and to have the hard, "fierce", conversations. The conversation is the relationship, so what kind of relationship do you want?"
"Useful content, practical for personal and professional application."
"truly one of my favorite books of all time."
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The Lost Art of Good Conversation: A Mindful Way to Connect with Others and Enrich Everyday Life
Cutting through all the white noise, chatter, and superficiality our cell phones and social media cause, one of Tibet's highest and most respected spiritual leaders offers simple and practical advice to help us increase our attentions spans, become better listeners, and strive to appreciate the people around us. SAKYONG MIPHAM is the head of the Shambhala lineage, which is grounded in the power of creating enlightened society in everyday life.
"The clarity and simplicity with which a topic like conversation had been mixed with the practice of relating to our minds was startling."
"The Lost Art of Good Conversation is about common sense and sanity, the natural expressive warmth of the heart, and the impossible-to-overstate importance of knowing how to connect with others, whether we agree, disagree, or are absolutely confounded by each other. In addition to potent insights, the book has dozens of simple exercises, practices, and contemplations for using each of Sakyong Mipham's teachings in the way that really counts: in your own life."
"I like the exercises at the end of each chapter."
"I liked it's simplicity and the fact that the I converse is changing as a result of reading...A friend of mine and myself are. doing this book as a book club discussion...Great help in living your life."
""The author Sakyong Mipham is from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and draws on that custom to dispense wisdom surrounding the importance of being in the moment and cultivating good conversational skills. So it's not just about turning off social media though that is discussed, it's more of trying to train the mind to engage in good conversation and some how-to in order to bring about successful results. It is a helpful guide to focusing on conversations.This book will no doubt be of great assistance to those seeking to be more mindful in their communications.There is indeed an art to good conversation."
"This book has helped me to begin to generate compassion for others who do not share my view of the world."
"The Sakyong reminds us that we have lost the ability to do something we have been doing for thousands of years - having a decent conversation, showing respect for our fellow humans, and opening our hearts to others."
"One important lesson that I took away from this book was the importance of listening: each conversation offers us an opportunity to learn, to expand beyond fixated opinions."
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Best Travel Language Phrasebooks

Rick Steves' Italian Phrase Book & Dictionary
This handy guide provides key phrases for use in everyday circumstances, complete with phonetic spelling, an English-Italian and Italian-English dictionary, the latest information on European currency and rail transportation, and even a tear-out cheat sheet for continued language practice as you wait in line at the Sistine Chapel. With the help of his hardworking staff of 80 at Europe Through the Back Door—in Edmonds, Washington, just north of Seattle—Rick's mission is to make European travel fun, affordable, and culturally broadening for Americans.
"My husband and I -- who travel frequently and rarely get sick -- contracted some kind of horrible flu/sinus infection/plague on the way out or Rome and needed to seek urgent medical consultation and care from a pharmacy on the Amalfi coast. The Rick Steves guide came to our rescue because it had more than three times the amount of health and medical vocabulary than the Lonely Planet book, which we desperately needed because we had a lot of specific symptoms to communicate and the pharmacist/doctor only spoke a few words of English."
"Came in handy during our trip to Italy."
"This came in handy in Italy."
"It is what I ordered and expected."
"Really loved this book on my internship to Italy."
"Small pocket size with easy to pronounce guides to hundreds of words!"
"We bought this in preparation for a proposed trip."
"We've taken 5 trips to Italy and got along fine with English, but we had a chance to take a course in Italian and bought this book to help us along."
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Best Turkish Language Instruction

Elementary Turkish (Dover Language Guides)
Anyone concerned with current social, political, and cultural developments in Turkey knows that a practical understanding of the basic patterns of modern Turkish is an invaluable skill that until now has been difficult to attain without extensive training. In a carefully arranged sequence of 23 lessons, Lewis V. Thomas, late Professor of Oriental Studies at Princeton, presents thorough coverage that allows the student to begin to use the basic patterns of modern Turkish without time-consuming and expensive private instruction. He went on to become professor of pediatric research at the University of Minnesota, chairman of the Departments of Pathology and Medicine and also dean at the New York University Bellevue Medical Center, chairman of the Department of Pathology and dean at Yale Medical School, and president of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.
"As of the text itself, It doesn't introduce vocabulary like other language learning textbooks, (for any vocabulary that might be new, there is a glossary at the back of the book), but it is quite good at explaining grammar and giving example sentences for the grammar point(s) being explained in a chapter."
"A very good primer on the language at a great price and it was here immediately."
"I wanted a more in depth language book than the Tape & CD variety available in the library. But the book is good to see the actual word, (and in Turkish) understand how the verb stem is added to to indicate negation, question or statement, tense of course, and voice (I, you, we, you plural, they, he, she, & it)."
"It is not a guide that will help you speak a few words of Turkish for an upcoming trip."
"I learnt Turkish with Rosetta Stone, but was missing the grammar."
"A great way to learn basic Turkish, written with simplicity and clarity."
"Successive chapters progress to the basic elements of grammar and verb structure, adding vocabulary along the way."
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Best Etiquette Guides & Advice

The Wedding Planner & Organizer
From the celebrity wedding planner and author of the The Wedding Book , Mindy Weiss’s All-In-One Wedding Planner & Organizer helps couples keep track of every detail leading up to their Big Day. With The Wedding Planner & Organizer , she gets both.
"I love all the advice given and options available."
"The product arrive with the corner torn and the inside cover was also torn."
"My second purchase of this item because I love it so much."
"I bought this planner for our oldest son and his fiancee when they became engaged, and they loved it."
"I loved the card divider in the back as well as all of the pockets through out for papers."
"Has really helped me stay on track and keep track of everything for my wedding."
"My best friend who is a wedding planner recommended that I get an organizer."
"This planner looked perfect when it arrived, no problems with it being banged up or torn like I was worried about from reading other people's reviews."
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Best Rules of Order Reference Guides

What They Don't Teach You In Business School: Real-World Sales And Service Skills You Need To Win And Wow Clients!
This book will illustrate simple communication, sales, and customer service techniques that you can immediately implement in your business and in your relationships with your clients. The tips in this book represent a lifetime of helpful hints and specific tactics used in the author's corporate sales career (and in her own small business) -- for over 25 years -- to communicate, sell, service, and satisfy clients of all kinds. Follow the advice in this book and you'll immediately make a positive change in your business by communicating more effectively, providing better service, and improving client relationships. After working in the corporate world in sales, account management, and marketing positions, Michele developed a strong desire to leave the “corporate grind” and wanted to start her own business. After starting the business part-time, Michele and her husband founded MPD Video Productions, and they eventually left corporate to run the business full-time. Upon entering the small business arena, Michele quickly realized how many business owners lack critical sales and service skills, and how strongly this deficiency and inability to work with clients affects their success.
"Her example of how fixing a mistake with urgency and courtesy can lead to a stronger client relationship, was a powerful demonstration of how to deal with bumps in the road and come out of it shining."
"As a business owner and a customer service provider for over 20 years; I like that this book shared the key ingredient in successfully running a business: Customers!"
"I felt the fire for excellence in every chapter of this book. You will see as you read how a person of integrity responds to a myriad of situations."
"And apparently, the basics. are not what they teach you in "business school.""
"Learning or re-learning basic concepts of putting the customer first, top customer service and the real reason you are in business is often lost these days."
"I'm so glad I found this book, as it teaches invaluable lessons in communication and sales techniques."
"I can't say that any of the pointers were new (but for those thinking of starting a business or relatively new in business, this is a great summary of Excellent Customer Service 101); however, a reminder never hurts."
"I would highly recommend this book to every business owner and maybe every business student too."
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